42: Late Night Visit

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"Okay, you two go home, I'll stay," Mr.Heyward says to Jewls and her mom. 

"No, dad you have work in the morning," Jewls says, "I'll stay." 

"You have school in the morning young lady," Mrs.Heyward says to her.

"I know, I'll have Mason pick me up in the morning. I already have all my school stuff here," Jewls says. 

"Okay, but no visitors," Mr.Heyward says.

"Yes, dad because I'm going to invite all my hospital patient friends and nurses to a party in here," she laughs.

"Don't get smart with me," he says, "Take care of your sister and if I hear that Mason was here without one of us here, you will be grounded for the next month."

"Yes dad, I know," Jewls rolls her eyes, "Now go get some sleep it's already ten o' clock." 

"Okay, goodnight sweetheart," her mother says, "Make sure to call us in the morning when Mason comes to get you. And-"

"And if anything changes with Essie," Jewls says, "I know."

Her parents finally leave and now it's her time alone with Essie. She inhales deeply as she walks over to Esmerelda's bedside. "Hey, Essie. You've been out for a few hours now. I think you've gotten enough rest, it's time for you to come back. Please come back." Her eyes grow watery, but she holds the tears from falling, "I mean we always knew you could sleep, but geez it hasn't even been nighttime." 

She stays quiet for a few minutes as she pulls out her notebook and homework from her bag. She stares at her sister and feels a sadness wash over her. Every horrible possibility pops up into her mind, but she tries to push them all away. She notices the bouquet of flowers that Mr.Dorzen brought earlier, "So Mr.Dorzen came to see you today. He brought you these flowers. Carnations and roses, those are pretty expensive. I guess Mr.Dorzen really knows you because roses and carnations are your favorite. Oh, I guess you call him Dimitri, don't you?"

She laughs and tries to imagine their love life, minus the nasty stuff. How did I not notice? She thinks to herself as she thinks back to the first day. "It really was love at first sight, wasn't it? I remember the way he looked at you on that first day, but I didn't even pay any mind to it. I guess that makes me a bad sister, huh?" 

"No that doesn't make you a bad sister," a man's voice says from behind her.

Jewls gasps and her jaw drops as she realizes who is standing in the doorway. Dimitri. "H-hey, what are you doing here? Better question, how much of that did you hear?" 

"I heard enough and I'm here to see her without the pressure of your father. I've never lied like that before."

"You did good. Trust me, lying was your only option in that situation. If you had decided to be truthful today, you'd be in a hospital bed right beside Essie," Jewls laughs. 

"I bet," Dimitri exhales. "I wish it was me instead of her."

"It was an accident. It could've been any one of us," Jewls says. 

"I know, I just wish I wasn't distracting her," Dmitri whispers to himself.

"What are you talking about?"

"She was on the phone with me while she was driving."

"What? Why?"

"I didn't know she was driving or that she was driving recklessly for that matter," he feels guilt rush over him.

"My sister is not a reckless driver," Jewls says defensively. 

"That's not what I meant. I meant- you know what nevermind. I know it's against the law and I should've hung up."

"I'm sorry I snapped."

"It's understandable. We're both a little on edge today," Dimitri says, "I'm not even sure I'm gonna be ready to go to school tomorrow." 

"Me, too." They're silent for a few minutes, but it isn't an awkward silence. They both feel comforted and are appreciative for the other's company. "So is there anything you want to say to her. I can give you a moment," Jewls offers.

"Thanks, but now that you know about us, I don't think I can hide anything from you," he smiles, "There is one thing I wanted to say."

"I'll step out and give you a moment."

"No, it's for you," he says. 

Jewls feels her heart stop as he says the words. "Go for it," she says, hoping that he doesn't mention her going to the police station. 

"I know you aren't approving of mine and Esmerelda's relationship and I could never ask you to be, but I really do appreciate you keeping it a secret."

"I can't say it's right, but like I said earlier, I am just happy my sister's happy. I meant that. And I mean that. I mean look at you. You're a total mess, you brought her her favorite flowers, and you faced her dad. Who's to say the love between you two isn't true?" 

"Thank you," he says, "The flowers are not the only thing I brought her."

"What are you talking about?" Jewls asks. Dimitri steps out of the room and then out of nowhere drags his cello case into the room. "Has that been out there the whole time?"

"Yeah, I didn't know who was gonna be in here."

"How did you even get that passed the nurses?"

"They were switching shifts and I snuck in," Dimitri laughs.

"What are you going to play?" Jewls asks.

"I know this may sound corny, but I'm going to play our song," he sits in the chair next to Esmerelda and sets up his cello. He plucks a couple of the strings to tune it and runs his bow across one. It lets out a beautiful, but loud note and Jewls quickly runs to the door and closes it. "Sorry," Dimitri says innocently. 

Dimitri inhales and says, "This is to us. We're only halfway there." Dimitri begins to pluck a couple strings and instantly Jewls recognizes it, Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. 

"The subway station," Jewls says. Dimitri looks up at her and realizes that she had learned about them in Mr.Skythe's office. 

"So you know it then?" Dimitri smiles, "Join me."

          "She says, we've gotta hold on to what we've got. It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not. We've got each other and that's a lot for love. We'll give it a shot," they both sing quietly over the harmonic notes coming from the cello.

Dimitri let's Jewls sing the chorus and watches as she begins to really listen to the lyrics, "Whoa, we're halfway there. Woah, livin' on a pray-"

Jewls stops and gives Dimitri a look of clarity. Without a word Dimitri nods his head to her and smiles. Jewls feels overwhelmed and signals to Dimitri that she is going to step outside real quick. She steps out of the room and pulls out her phone and begins to dial a number.

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