22: Almost Caught

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"Mason I think I heard something," Jewls says pushing herself up from the blanket. The two had just been in the middle of making out.

"I didn't hear anything," Mason says leaning back into Jewls.

Before Mason reaches her lips Jewls puts a hand out to stop him and says, "Mason I'm serious. It sounded like people were talking."

"Well this is a public park," Mason laughs.

Jewls stares at him with a nervous look and stays silent.

"Jewls look around, there are barely any trees to hide behind. I promise you no one is out here with us," Mason says grabbing her hands, "Besides we're just teenagers in a park we're not doing any vandalism or anything bad."

Jewls decides to put her mind at ease and begins to kiss Mason again. They lay down side by side embracing each other.

Little do they know that on the other side of the restroom building sits Mr.Dorzen and Esmerelda.

"What if they see us?" Esmerelda whispers to Dimitri.

"It's too dark, they won't be able to see anything but silhouettes," Dimitri says, "And plus the two lovebirds are too involved in sucking each other's faces to see anyone."

"We have to get by them," Esmerelda says nervously.

"Yeah I know," Dimitri grabs her hand. They begin to walk by the couple. Esmerelda giggles to herself noticing the guy on top really digging into the girl's face.

"Mason I really think someone is out here," Jewls pushes Mason back slightly.

Dimitri grabs Esmerelda by the waist, pushes her back against a tree and puts his chest up against hers.

"What are you doing?" Esmerelda whispers.

"I'm trying not to get us caught. Our silhouettes will be blended in with this tree so they can't see us," Dimitri explains.

"Mason I swear we are not alone."

"Did she say Mason?" Esmerelda asks.

"Does Mason have a girlfriend?" Dimitri asks.

"Yeah he does, Saphira," Esmerelda says, "Aww Jewls is gonna be crushed."

"You don't have to tell her," Dimitri suggests.

"Are you kidding? Of course I do, she's my sister and I know she likes him," Esmerelda says. "I mean look. The two are clearly still in love."

"Well maybe that's a different Mason?" Dimitri asks.

"I doubt it," Esmerelda says staring into Dimitri's eyes.

"Well it's not like we can just go up to him and be like Are you Mason?" Dimitri laughs.

"Okay fine, what do you suggest we do?" Esmerelda asks.

"Well I suggest that we leave this place and continue our date because this was bout us not about them," Dimitri leans in and kisses Esmerelda. She blushes and agrees.

The two walk off, but Jewls gets a slight glance. All she is able to make out is that there was a boy and a girl walking hand in hand a few seconds ago. Slight fear rushes through her body, but Mason wraps his arms around her making her feel safe and secure.

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