1: Esmerelda's Day Changer

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"Move, get out da way!" Esmerelda hollers teasingly as she walks through the chaotic band room with her saxophone in hand.

"No you get out the way!" Isaac scoffs back at Esmerelda. Isaac was a junior trumpet player who after summer band camp grew very close to the Heyward sisters.

"Isaac shut up and go blow your trumpet," Jewls comments from her flute section on the other side of the room. Esmerelda and Jewls laugh hard since Isaac is gay and the pun was not commented towards that fact, but Isaac took it that way. Isaac rolls his eyes with a hurt look, but then begins to laugh.

The band director, Mr. Skythe, steps out of his office watching all of the band students scattering around getting ready for class. As the class begins to settle down Esmerelda notices a man standing at the doorway. The man looks a little older than her probably 21 or 22 tops. As she inspects him she notices he has grayish green eyes. She also realizes that his short brownish blond hair gave him a humble model look, but his button up plaid shirt and khaki pants screamed nerd. She tries to decide how she will judge him, but is distracted by Isaac's blabbering back and forth with Jewls. "Shhhh guys shut up," Esmerelda yells at Isaac and Jewls. Lifting her head back up Esmerelda realizes that the man is gone and that Mr. Skythe was now standing in front of the class.

"Morning band, what a beautiful fall morning, right?" he's answered with long moans from the sleepy teenagers. "Well since there's 106 of you annoying, loud musicians I thought I could use a little help, so I have someone to introduce to you, Mr.Dorzen?" He turns around and the young man walks right besides him.

"Hi I'm Mr.Dorzen. I'm a student teacher here studying to become a band teacher." He looks around the room having his eyes meet every student's, including Esmerelda's, which sent a chill up her spine. Mr.Dorzen continues not taking notice to anyone in particular, "and, uh... With Mr.Skythe's help and yours I'm assuming I should become a great band teacher. I'm looking forward to working with you all and learning the ropes to this whole teacher thing." He laughs a little nervously adding," Oh and I'm also here from a music school, Niata actually," a few girls begin to giggle and chatter," So yeah if you guys have any questions on how it's like going to a music school, I'll be here for the next few months."

"I have a question," Audrey, an obnoxious sophomore raises her hand, "If one of us, any of us, were to go there in let's say about 2 years or so, would we see you often?"

Esmerelda looks over at Jewls and they both roll their eyes knowing that Audrey's going to chase him.

"Well it depends on what major you'll be taking since there in different buildings. The Campus is pretty big, but I'm sure if we have a set schedule that constantly run in with each other like on our way to class then yes me and that person would see each other a lot."

"Ooooo add that to my list of colleges... band teacher," Audrey snickers quietly to the flutes. Most laugh along some even add in "Me too!" or "I'm in," but Jewls looks over disgusted at how these girls can let a guy take over their future.

"Uh, any other questions?" Mr.Dorzen looks around the room and the only person staring at him for a few seconds was Esmerelda and their eyes stayed locked to each other's as if they were having a conversation.

"Okay! So you've all met Mr.Dorzen, now let's have him meet some of you," Mr.Skythe says from behind Mr.Dorzen, breaking the lock between Esmerelda and Mr.Dorzen. "Uh let me see...I guess we'll start with the Drum Majors," Mr.Skythe says looking around the classroom, "Esmerelda, Serenity, and Erika." The three girls walk over to Mr.Skythe.

"Girls this is Mr.Dorzen, he'll be working with you until like February or March, indoor season. He's going to like assist you guys and stuff just learning from you guys and he can help you out with some conducting and listening skills like after school," Mr.Skythe explains.

"Cool, I'm Erika, I'm the Head Drum Major," Mr.Dorzen shakes her hand.

"I'm Serenity, this'll be my first year as a Drum Major," she shakes his hand as well.

Mr.Dorzen turns to Esmerelda and smiles saying, "And you must be Esmerelda?"

"Yeah that's me," she laughs nervously.

"Nice to meet you... all of you! nice to meet all of you," he says turning away from Esmerelda after a few seconds.



Band class was now over and Esmerelda for some reason could not stop staring at Mr.Dorzen.

After the bell rang and all of the band students emptied the room Esmerelda begins to wrap up her saxophone. "Aren't you going to be late?" she looks up realizing Mr.Dorzen was standing over her.

"Oh no... I uh I usually stay here for the next class period, I have study and Serenity should be coming back too," Esmerelda stutters back.

"Okay well enjoy your study period," he smiles.

"Thanks," as he walks back into Mr.Skythe's office Serenity walks into the room.

"What do you think about that guy?" Serenity smirks.

"I'm not sure yet... I don't know what it is, but he's kinda cute," Esmerelda sighs.

"Eww are you serious?" Serenity retorts, "He's a dork!"

"I think he's pretty cute, I'm liking the whole nerd outfit."

"Oh this is going to be a fun marching band season isn't it?" Serenity laughs.

"Yes it is going to be," Esmerelda says. Both girls laugh and Serenity rolls her eyes knowing that whatever happens next is not going to be good.

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