8| Helping hand

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"Do you want to watch a movie?"

Gakushū looked up from his soup. "Huh?"

"I asked if you want to watch a movie" Karma repeated.

It was so out of the blue, Gakushū didn't know how to respond. Finally, he asked "What kind?"

"Anything you want" Karma replied with a shrug.

Gakushū looked down at his warm soup, picked up the bowl, and slurped the remains. Karma just watched him patiently. Finally, when Gakushū finished, he said "We'll just have to see, I guess"

"Great" The red head stood up and walked around the table, before grabbing Gakushū's arm and hauling him up. "What are you-"

"Let's get you cleaned up first" Was all Karma responded before leading him to the bathroom.

Gakushū just let Karma undress him and push him down to the bathtub. He let Karma turn on the faucet and fill up the tub with cold water and bubbles.

The red head scrubbed his legs, arms, and even his back. Weirdly enough, Gakushū liked the red head touching him. Karma handled him with care and delicacy, as if he was afraid he's break him with just the wrong touch.

The red head washed him with gentle hands, and he almost moaned in happiness when Karma ran his fingers through his strawberry blonde locks to wash the shampoo off.

When he was done, Karma handed him a fluffy warm towel, and told him he laid out clothes on the bed.

When Gakushū left the bathroom and to the bedroom, he saw there was a white long sleeve wool shirt, and black jeans.

Gakushū put them on, and found they fitted him well. He smiled lightly at his reflection in the mirror. "I'll have to thank him for the clothes" he said.

But then he realized he has a lot to thank Karma for. For instance, saving his life, and listening to his story.

"But did he really saved me?" He thought. "If I died my father wouldn't have to deal with his failure son anymore. And I would have been free"

"What was the point of telling him my story? There's nothing he can do about it anyway"

"Oi" Gakushū was pulled out of his thoughts when Karma placed both of his hands on Gakushū's shoulder. He realized how close Karma is to him. "Are you okay?" He asked, concern in his eyes. Gakushū nodded simply.

Karma looked like he wanted to ask him something, but shook his head. "Come on" he held out his hand for Gakushū to take, and Gakushū found himself taking it.

The two walked out of the house and to Karma's car.

"You know" Gakushū began. "I have to go home eventually"

Karma nodded. "Do you want to go tomorrow or by the end of the day?"

Gakushū thought about it. "Tomorrow" he answered. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but he wanted to postpone his suffering a little longer. "Good choice" Karma told him with a kind smile.

"It's strange" Gakushū thinks later on, as they drove to the cinema. "I never thought Akabane Karma of all people would be the one to help me, I never thought he could have this side of him"

But, a voice in Gakushū's mind told him not to trust Karma completely. Because his sister, the person he trusted more than anyone else in the world, taught him

"Close your eyes and close your ears, nobody does anything out of the kindness of their hearts anymore. Everyone always has an ulterior motive little brother" she told him one night when she snuck into his room. "We're on our own"

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