21| Understanding

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You can count on me like
One two three I'll be there


Gakushū sighed. He looked up at Karma and met his golden gaze, try as he might he couldn't remove his attention from them, they are just so beautiful. But, Gakushū pretended to be upset still  "Seriously Akabane? Again?" He snapped.

Karma pinned Gakushū's arms above his head with one hand. His legs on either side of the strawberry blonde, straddling him. "I'm going to say this once so you better fucking listen you piece of shit" Karma growled at him. Gakushū raised a brow condescendingly, but nodded. "Go on then. But could you please get off me first?"

"Nope" Karma popped the 'p'. Gakushū just sighed, and laid there still, Karma hovering above him. "So...what is it?"

"You're an amazing person" Karma dropped. Gakushū looked at him and opened his mouth to counter what he said, but Karma covered his mouth with his free hand. "I hate a lot of people at the main building, but you're the only one that I respect, and..." This time the red head looked to his side. "I admire"

Gakushū noticed the faint blush that started to crept up from Karma's neck, even the tips of his ears were pink.

"I've decided I'm going to save you from your abusive, shitty father" Karma noticed the doubt in Gakushū's eyes. "Mark my words I'll save you" he promised. "How?" Gakushū's eyes asked him. "I don't know yet" he answered.

"You're hard working, you're talented, you're fair" Karma listed, his head still facing the side and with each word that escapes his lips he turned redder with embarrassment. "You hate yourself for being stuck in your situation, which pisses me off because it's not your fault!"

Gakushū tried to shake Karma's hand from his mouth. "I know what you're thinking, 'but if only I was stronger, if only I was smarter, if only I'm what my father wants me to be, then maybe he wouldn't treat me this way' is that it?"

Gakushū was shocked, and his eyes showed it.

"Nobody's perfect" Karma remove his hand from Gakushū's mouth. "My father and the other students expect me to be though" Gakushū closed his eyes.

Karma poked his forehead. Gakushū opened his eyes again. "Even Ren?"

Gakushū blinked, as he thought of his neglected best friend. Ren, who always covered for him, Ren who lets him sleep in the student council room and keeps others(except for the Chairman of course) from entering so as to not wake him

Ren who takes notes for him when he forgets to

Ren his best friend who doesn't expect him to be anything other than just Asano Gakushū.

Gakushū felt shitty, realizing he's been treating Ren unfairly. "No, not him" and not Karma too.

"You should value yourself Gakushū" Karma quietly said. "You might learn later that your life might actually be worth living" Karma prayed that 'later' would be 'sooner'

"Why do you care about me so much Karma?" Gakushū asked.

Karma remained quiet. He removed his other hand from Gakushū's arms, and let the strawberry blonde place a hand on his cheek.

He surprised Gakushū by leaning into his touch.

He was like a cat being petted. "You're so odd, Karma" Gakushū murmured.

"But?" Karma sighed.

The strawberry blonde smiled a small smile. "But I like your oddity"

"Ahem" someone cleared their throat. Gakushū and Karma's eyes widened and they both looked to the door and saw Rio and Nagisa there. Rio with a shit eating grin and had her phone out.

"Wrong timing?" Rio teased.

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