50| Gakushū and Masami

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Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover, hey sister, know that water's sweet but blood is thicker


That night, Gakushū had an odd dream.

He dreamt he was in a field of endless white roses, and on the end of the field on top of a little hill was a giant rose tree.

Following the cobble stone path words up the hill to the tree, he looked down to see a white marble stone with gold lettering engraved on it.

He woke up though, before he could read what was written there.

His mother had woken him up.

"Time to get up!" She beamed at him. "Don't wanna be late for our date" she reminded him. Gakushū felt confused. "Our...date?" He repeated. Masami patted his head. "Our mother and son bonding? The date we promised to have? We kept moving from Monday after your school to Thursday to Saturday because of our conflicting schedules....but voila!"

She showed him his tablet. "Look! Cleared schedules! Isn't this fantastic?" She beamed at her son.

"Now get dressed! We're eating breakfast outside, and then we'll go to the amusement park, and then play games...Oh! And ride carrousel...you loved the carrousel right?" His mother went on about her plan for the day.

She eventually left his room. Gakushū dropped on his bed again, messing his hair.

He had originally planned to relax in his room today, or visit Karma or Ren, he's forgotten about his promised 'date' with his mother. "Shū! I forgot to tell you...we're meeting someone later so wear your best clothes!" She called to him.

Forcing himself out of bed, he dragged himself to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Afterwards, he opened his walk in closet to search for anything appropriate to wear.

He found black pants in the very back of his closet that haven't seen the light of day in years, it fit him like a glove. And a white button up shirt.

He looked simple, but presentable at least. He hoped this would be good enough for his mother

"Although knowing her I'd still look perfectly handsome in her eyes even if dressed in the plainest and most boring clothes ever" he thought, his lips quirking a bit. Mother never really cared what he looked like or wore, in her eyes he was always dressed in his best.

Knock knock

Thinking it was his mother, he enthusiastically opened it, only to be greeted with his maid/cousin. "Gakushū-sama" she bowed curtly. "Er...I'm here to collect your bed sheets to, wash them"

Gakushū stepped aside and allowed her entry.

He left her to her own devices and went downstairs to meet up with his mother.

"Oh Gakushū! You look so dashing!" Masami praised. "Seems like only yesterday you were a tiny little baby, so fragile and delicate, your father was so afraid to hold you and your sister when you were babies....he didn't want to break you" she reminisced

"Ahh..." Was all he could say.

He followed his mother out of the house and to her car.

Feeling like he was being watched, he looked up and saw his maid/cousin standing by his bedroom window.

She gave a small wave at him, smiling a small smile, before returning to removing his bed sheets.

Gakushū shrugged and hopped into the car, sitting in the passenger seat.

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