23| Gakushū's punishment

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You're trying to save me
Stop holding your breath


Warning: this chapter may be upsetting to readers

"I'm home" he said, opening the door with a spare key and entering his 'home'

The place was dark, and eerily quiet. It sent a shiver down Gakushū's spine but he forced the feeling down, he must not show fear.

And besides, days has passed since his suicide attempt, surely his father cannot still be angry about that.

"There's still the matter about my slipping grades, and instead of going straight home after school today I went off with Karma...." he thought, but shook his head to clear off the thoughts. He went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and saw a dog leash and collar on the table.

On the ground, was a big dog bowl, it was full of water.

For a while, he just stood there, shifting his gaze from the collar and leash, to the bowl on the floor. He felt uneasy, and fear crept to the back of his mind again.

He forced the feeling down and went to his room to re-read his quizzes. He made three mistakes in English and four in mathematics, unacceptable. Those few marks made the difference between success and failure.

Suddenly, Karma's easy going smile flashed his mind.

He found himself relaxing, as he remembered his time spent with Karma, and how at ease he was. The red head claimed he'll save Gakushū, but how is he going to do that? Can Gakushū really trust and rely on that boy? Karma sure thinks so, but the strawberry blonde is still unsure.

After all, all the other people who tried to help him, ended up either having their lives ruined or bribed off.

What would his father do to Karma?

Gakushū frowned, when he remembered a young doctor who tried to help him seven years ago.

They used to have personal doctors coming and going from their house. Gakushū's doctor was a young man who was perceptive, and noticed small details most people would disregard.

He would come to the house to treat Gakushū's 'accidents' about twice a month, or once every two months, it really depends on when and how long his mother was gone.

The doctor had suspicions, and did some digging where he shouldn't have.

Gakushū naively thought that the doctor would be able to put a stop to the abuse. But shortly after, the doctor stopped coming to their house.

He later learned the doctor was framed for medical malpractice and lost his license.

He never heard of the man again.

He gripped his pencil and tried to forget about that certain memory.

Hours passed in a blur, and it was now eight o' clock, time for dinner. He knew he couldn't stay hiding in his room forever, even if he tried. He knows he'll have to face his father eventually.

Gakushū was filled with an ominous feeling as he went down the stairs, the house just seemed too quiet and too empty. He didn't know what will happen to him

He walked to the dining room. The dog bowl was on the spot where he usually sits.

Suddenly he felt something tighten around his neck, his eyes widened and he tried to grab his throat, feeling like he was being strangled.


"Your reaction is too slow" it was his father. He was pushed on his knees and when he looked up he saw that his father was holding the dog leash, and he realized angrily that he's on the other end of it.

Gakushū gritted his teeth in anger, and he tried to undo the strap around his neck. "Is this your idea of a sick joke?"

"This is reality" the man sounded very amused. "Oh and there is no point trying, it can only be undone by a key" he held out his other hand and showed the key, dangling in his hand, as if mocking him.

"Bastard" Gakushū thought, he's humiliated, angry, and already felt drained.

He didn't want to be treated like this! He tried to appear strong. "Alright you've had your fun, but I have no intention of playing along to your sick game, if you're angry with me then punish me by grounding me like a normal father" he tried to yank the collar off again. A stupid attempt but he's really in uncomfortable.

"Grounding children is lazy parenting. It doesn't teach them anything except that if you do something wrong you'll have to stay in your room for a few hours" the older Asano said, suddenly gripping Gakushū's hair and pulling on it.

Gakushū released a cry of pain. His face flushed in humiliation. "Bastard, sicko, monster, freak" he thought with disdain as he glared up at his father.

The man showed amusement to his fury. But Gakushū knows that behind that amusement there is a dangerous anger, similar to his.

"Perhaps he hates me as much as I hate him? It's funny...in a twisted way" his thoughts were stopped when his head was suddenly dunked under the water. It was only a bowl but it was deep enough to cover his nose and mouth.

He started to struggle, trying to lift his head up to no avail. He panicked when he swallowed a gulp of water and his face was pressed against the bottom of the bowl.

After forty seconds he started to feel tired, he felt his eyelids growing heavy. But just as he was about to give in to unconsciousness he was suddenly pulled back. He gasped desperately for air, and started coughing out the water.

The floor was soaked with water from the struggle.

He was suddenly grabbed roughly by the arm and forced onto his feet.

"In the future, I would advise you not to try and defy me again" Gakuho said, tugging on the leash as a reminder. "And don't do anything stupid again, such as jumping off of bridges....understand?"

"Yes...sir" he responded weakly.

"Good boy" Gakuho patted his wet hair like he was a dog. Gakushū gritted his teeth.

"Someday...somehow...you will get what you deserve, father...someday"

(Author: Well that was uncomfortable)

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