44| When you think everything's getting better you realize it's not

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Forever is a long time
But I, I wouldn't mind spending it by your side


Once he was sure Karma was fast asleep, Gakushū carefully removed the red head from his person, and gently laid him on the floor. He parted Karma's bangs delicately, and traced his cheeks fondly. "I'm sorry for yelling at you when you saved my life that day" he whispered. "And I'm sorry for yelling at you and assuming you have it easy, I know you're suffering just as much as me"

He wiped away the foundation Karma applied on his face, revealing a paler face and darker circles under his eyes. What the hell has been happening with Karma?

He raised Karma's shirt a little, and saw fresh wounds all over his toned stomach, and then, he slowly started to pull the sleeve of Karma's jacket upwards.

Always wearing jackets and love sleeves, never wearing anything that reveals his arms and above his knees. Gakushū had suspicions even way before he and Akabane got close, but now he's about to confirm those suspicions.

To his horror, but not shock, since he expected this, he was met with cuts all over Karma's wrists and arms.

At first, he felt angry. How dare Akabane lecture him and be furious with him about cutting and 'throwing his life away' when he himself has been doing the same! What a fucking hypocrite!

But then, that anger subsided, and he felt a deep understanding for the boy. Combined with a newfound protectiveness.

He gathered the very tired, emotionally and physically drained boy in his arms once more, and rested his head on his lap.

He took Karma's hand and brought it to his lips, before kissing the inside of his wrist. Geez, he's only been crushing on Karma for a short few days and already he's doing things like this. His attachment to the red head must run deeper than he thought

Which is bad news for Gakushū.

Not like he cared. He's not letting the one good thing that ever happened to him slip through his fingers.

Karma seems to be comfortable with them being touchy like this, so he'll continue to be as physical as he can with Karma, as long as Karma allows him to.

Suddenly the door swung open, startling Gakushū.

There stood Nagisa, Rio, and Kayano. The trio were surprised at the sight of them, Karma sleeping with his head on Gakushū's lap and Gakushū playing with Karma's hair.

"Knew the idiot would be with you" Rio said smugly. Gakushū blushed, embarrassed at them catching him and Karma like this. But it could be worse, they could have caught him trying to kiss Karma's sleeping form.

"How is Karma?" Nagisa asked concerned approaching them, the girls in tow.

"He's fine" Gakushū was quick to say.

"What about you Asano? Are you alright?" Nagisa turned his concerned blue eyes to him.

Gakushū felt annoyance spark in him.

For him, Nagisa's concern equalled to pity. And he hated being pitied. He also didn't like Nagisa's blue eyes glued on him with such intensity it almost made him squirm, but he also didn't want Nagisa staring at Karma that way either. Call Gakushū petty all you want but Karma's face(asleep or awake) is only for him to enjoy!

"I'm fine Shiota" he snapped.

"Oi, oi!" Rio harshly poked Karma's stomach. "Fuck off" Gakushū hissed slapping her hand away. "He"s sleeping! Don't wake him up!"

"He must be so tired, very tired, to not wake up from our loudness" Kayano said knowingly. "I mean he has to be right? Who knows how long he's been awake for, could be days"

"What do you three want? If it's to pester us-" Gakushū narrowed his violet eyes on them. "Leave"

"Easy there tiger, we're not here to annoy you" Rio retorted.

"Well, you are" Gakushū snapped at them.

Rio frowned, before fishing the pill bottles from her pocket and tossing it to Gakushū, who swiftly caught it.

"What are these?" He demanded.

"Found them in Karma's bag" Rio admitted.

"The hell you were doing touching his things? Did he permit you to do so?!" Gakushū angrily demanded.

Rio ignored him, instead choosing to continue. "Karma's been taking pills that keeps him up and running for long periods of hours, and I think he also takes sleeping pills afterwards. To help him sleep longer" Rio bit the inside of her cheek, Nagisa and Kayano looked really uncomfortable.

"If this idiot keeps doing this shit, he could overdose" Rio frowns.

Gakushū glared down at Karma's sleeping face. He remembered Karma confiscating his stay awake and sleeping pills awhile back, his lecture and angry expression. Hypocrite.

Still, his anger was quick to fade, instead a lingering annoyance was all that was left.

"What do you think we should do?" Nagisa asked quietly.

"Tell....a teacher?" Was Kayano's uncertain respond.

But all of them knew they couldn't, and wouldn't do that, for various reasons.

"Hey" Rio snapped at Gakushū, who looked up at her glaring eyes. "Take care of him would ya? And if anything happens to him under your care" she cracked her knuckles. "We'll kill ya" the threatened before turning on her heel and leaving.

It wasn't long before Kayano followed her. Nagisa hesitated first, before following after the two.

Gakushū sighed.

Let him see....

He's an abused child, and Karma is neglected, they are both depressed teenagers, he tried to kill himself once, Karma is taking drugs that's bad for his system but at the same time helps him function daily but if he doesn't cut back he could die from overdose, Gakushū's father is a monster, Karma's friends are worried sick for him but they don't know what they should do, and his father's unpredictable behaviour has him on edge

"Things just keeps getting better and better" he said sarcastically.

He looks down at the red head on his lap.

Don't kiss him don't kiss him don't kiss him don't kiss him don't be a pervert! Don't be a pervert you are not a perv-

He leant down and pressed his lips right above Karma's mouth. He was unaware that Karma's lips curled into a smile for a brief second

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