71| Judgement

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I don't like your little games
Don't like your tilted stage
The role you made me play of the fool
No, I don't like you


Gakuho watched in satisfaction as the medicine his 'dear son' bought for him was flushed down the toilet.

"Did he" he thought. "Really think I'd buy his little innocent acts? He disappoints me"

Every medicine Gakushū 'thoughtfully' bought for him, Gakuho was quick to discard. He will not take any chances of his son poisoning his medicine

It wasn't paranoia

It was his self preservation

After all, they all hated each other in this house

This has been what Gakuho has been doing for the past week 

Pretend to drink his medicine when in reality he's disposing of them.

And then he'll buy newer ones for himself. He's far more comfortable taking medicine he himself saw, and bought. This way it doesn't give his son time to tamper with them.

Gakuho has noticed that, Gakushū has been more rebellious as of late. Sneaking out at night, befriending E-class students, being rather close on a more personal level with that red haired delinquent.

It angers him. How dare he? How dare Gakushū spite him this way. The nerve of that boy to stoop so low as fraternizing with worthless, weak beings who are far beneath him.

Though he acknowledges Akabane as his son's intellect rival. The red head is still just a lowly E-class student. Worthless

The man coughs in his hand

And when he pulled his hand away, he saw blood.

Gritting his teeth he washed the blood away and reached into his pocket for his medicine.

It was around one am

His wife slept soundly in their bed

His children are both fast asleep in theirs. Expression serene, peaceful..

His thoughts wandered to the maid, his distant niece. Yuki

She was a good pawn, adaptable, obedient. Too desperate for acknowledgement, has a family that depends on her financially.

The gears in her head work amazingly when she's determined for a job well done. She's shameless in lying. That was why he thought she'd make n excellent spy.

It didn't seem like his son suspected anything.

He did scare Yuki a bit when she first introduced herself to him though.

The girl became his eyes and ears. She reported to him about Gakushū's suspiciously close relationship with the red head. Of Nanami's plans to take custody of Gakushū, and of Masami's inch away from completely breaking.

Gakushū thought he could trick his own father? His father who raised him and taught him every thing he knew?

"How foolish and disappointing" he thought with a scoff.

When he leaves the bathroom, he heads upstairs to return to his and his wife's bedroom.

But before that he checked on Nanami's and Gakushū's beds

Their blankets covered the lumps on the bed

Satisfied Gakuho returned to his bedroom.

But once inside he felt as if something was wrong. So, he approaches the bed and pulls back the covers. His wife was gone

He narrowed his eyes and glared on the space on the bed where Masami's previously was when he left.

"Good evening father" came Gakushū's voice behind him. Gakuho whirled around and saw Gakushū, hands behind his back and a small smile on his face.

"Or rather, early morning?" He corrected himself thoughtfully.

"I'm not surprised, just mildly irritated" Gakuho scoffed. "What are you planning to do son? And where's your mother"

"She's fine" Gakushū continues to smile. "Not like you actually care"

From the shadows emerges Nanami, holding a knife. She raises the knife against her father, who appears unfazed by the turn of events. Her sharp purple eyes glinted dangerously

Gakuho didn't seem to care

"Well well well" he tauntingly said. "Finally my children have grown a backbone... But really? You'll resort to murder? I'm your flesh and blood-"

"We know and we're disgusted that the very same blood are flowing through our veins! Your blood!" Nanami hissed.

"You're a cruel man, selfish, psychotic, and abusive. We endured in silence for years" Gakushū took over, walking over to the stool and picking it up.

He raised the stool high above his head and


smashed it. Gakushū picked up a broken piece of leg from the now smashed stool and pointed it at his father, expression dark.

"You won't do this" Gakuho insisted with a straight face. "You can't.. You're many things, except a murderer"

"Oh yeah? You wanna try us old man?" Nanami spat, twirling the knife in her hand.

For a long time there was silence.

Just the three of them staring at each other

Just his children staring at him with disdain in their eyes

Then, as if something snapped within, Gakushū ran forward and thrusted the wooden stake into his father's abdomen.

The man coughed out blood, eyes wide.

Gakushū twisted the wood and buried it deeper into Gakuho's abdomen. Nanami approached the man and stabbed his back.

"You were saying father?" Gakushū panted. "We did tell you that we hated how we have the same blood flowing through our veins"

"You can't pull those out father" Nanami warns. "If you do, you will lose a lot of blood and you'll die faster"

"We'd prefer it if you don't die yet. Rather.... We'd rather you die from breathing in too much smoke, on the off chance someone does an inquiry on your corpse" Gakushū said darkly.

Then, a dark grin spread across his face. He counted to ten, and waited.

Immediately his father started convulsing on the floor. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. Gakushū laughed coldly

"Oh father.. Poor unfortunate father... you've been throwing away the good medicine. See, I replaced the medicine you bought, with useless expired ones. All this time you've been taking useless pills and throwing away the ones you really need" he revealed. "I took advantage of your paranoia and distrusting on me and.... Voila"

The siblings watched their father heaving on the floor

Them, Nanami led him out

"We have ten minutes left" she informs.

The siblings rushed to the basement

The smell of gas was every where around the house

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