64| Comfort Part 2

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And you see the things they never see
All you wanted I could be
Now you know me and I'm not afraid


Gakushū rubbed his tased parts, muttering curses under his breath

"Damn it, I fucking hate him!" He exclaims, throwing his shirt to the floor.

That sick bastard is really a nut case huh? He has a messed up philosophy in education, tortures his children, and brainwashes students. Why does a man like him exists?!

Ring ring!

He directed his angry gaze to his ringing phone

Upon seeing the caller ID, his eyes softened

Strange how he always seem to contact him whenever he is upset, almost as if he could read his mind. He walks up to his bed, picks up the phone, and answers


"Gakushū, sup"

His lips tug to a smile, and he fell backwards on the bed

"Just wanted to know if you made it home safely, you know....if you didn't get kidnapped, mugged, run over or some shit"

He snickered. "No, unfortunately not"

"That's too bad, because if you did, I'd have beaten up the asshole who did that to you", Karma bragged. Gakushū simply nodded, knowing in his heart Karma would actually do something like that for him. "Likewise"

"What happened?"


"Don't play dumb, I know you well enough by now to know when you're hiding or avoiding something, and your responses are a little dry" Karma remarked. "It's that bastard again huh?"

He adores and hates Karma for being able to pick up on his tone and assess that something happened. "Do not be surprised"

Karma cursed on the other line. "I swear to fucking Gods when I get my hands on him-"

"You will not be able to do anything to him"

"But still-"


Karma muttered something inaudible. Oh, he's upset him so it would seem...

"Did he...do something to you? Again.."

"....yes" was Gakushū's hesitant reply. "But I won't tell you what it was, I don't wish for you to not be able to rest easy because I told you what I was put trough"


"And compared to his other punishments...believe me when I say that this was...light"

That's right, getting a quick zap on his wrists and chests was nothing compared to the full lenght of what Asano Gakuho is capable of. Take foe example that time he was taken to a warehouse and got shocked.

"Karma, he's scared" he explained. "What?"

"He's growing paranoid because he's losing his control over me. He lost control over my sister when she ran away, and he's losing control over me now. He's anxious and desperate to maintain order, Karma I can see chances, several actually...for me to escape this hellhole"

He heard shuffling from the other line. "Gakushū, what are you up to?"


Knock knock

Yuki, his cousin/maid poked her head in. "A-ano...Gakushū-sama" she timidly said.

Gakushū raised a brow at her, before realizing he was still shirtless so he picked up his shirt from the floor and put it on.


"I'm here to collect your old bed spread, excuse me" she entered his room and gathered the old bed spread that he put in the corner.

He watched her movements with suspicion. He didn't know why he was wary of her, but he always trusted his instincts so he decides not to question himself. Although he does feel a bit sorry for how he treated her last time



"No need to be so formal with me, you can just call me Gakushū. We're family after all"

Hearing this, Yuki smiled appreciatively. Gakushū, someone from the main branch family just acknowledged her relation to him!

"Okay, Gakushū"

She nodded and left the room.

Gakushū returned to his phone call with Karma. "Karma?" Are you-"

He paused because the call was over.

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