30| Rendezvous and star gazing

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All day, and all night,
we'd stay up, It felt so right



"Yeah this isn't gonna work" Karma stood up from bed. Apparently lying in bed and waiting to fall asleep and counting sheep was a useless tact. So Karma decided to just give up and go out into town, take a walk around the park.

"Or visit Gakushū" a voice whispered slyly. Karma considered it, but decided not to.

So, opening his walk in closet, he stripped off his pajamas and put on  jeans that hugged his hips, a turtleneck sweater, and a fur lined jacket.

He was about ready to go, when he saw the box half hidden in the closet by clothes and hats.

He Knelt down and opened the box, taking out the pretty, tattered red fabric.

He wrapped it around his neck, and inhaled her scent. He then grabbed his phone, earphones, and wallet before leaving the mansion.


Gakushū panted as he threw up on the toilet.

"When will this end?" He growled, wiping the vomit from his lips. He knew something was going to happen the minute he stepped into the house after school. His father was too calm, too quiet.

There didn't seemed to be any tampering on his food either, he didn't taste anything odd. And he inhaled everything before taking a bite, everything seemed normal.

Too normal. But his tired mind had failed to look deeper into the unnaturalness of the normality.

"Must have been the water" he considered. But he didn't taste or smell anything in his water either.

He clutched his stomach and sat on the cold floor. Why the hell was he even punished? As far as he knows, he didn't do anything to tick off his father today. The food poisoning from the cafeteria was a warning for him, a warning not to step over the line. And when Gakuho is done with giving him warnings he would leave him alone

Until Gakushū does something that he deems deserving of a punishment, like that time he tried to kill himself.

"Better not think about that" Gakushū muttered.

The strawberry blonde stood up on wobbly knees, and pulled off his sweaty, smelly shirt.

Tossing the shirt to the laundry bin, Gakushū opened the faucet and splashed cold water on his face.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror, and felt disgust and self loathing. "Pathetic" he thought.

Then, his body began moving on autopilot. He stripped off his remaining articles of clothing, and showered in hot water(it burned his skin but his mind had turned numbed momentarily so he did not care). Then, stepping out of the shower he left his bathroom without wrapping a towel around him, stepped into his room, and opened his drawer, pulling out clothes.

He put on dull grey jogging pants, a black Nike hoodie, and went to his window.

Pushing it open, he climbed out and jumped to the branch of a tree.

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