54| The argument

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Got me begging for affection
All you do is roll your eyes
Broken down, I've had enough
If this is love I don't want it


The duo ventured into the mirror house, going deeper and deeper into the maze, taking random twists and turns. Anything to put distance between them and their mothers.

Eventually, the two of them came upon a wide circular space. Everywhere they turn, they could see their reflection looking back at them. "I guess we could stay here for a while" Karma said, slumping on the ground.

Gakushū made a face, before sitting beside Karma.

His eyes were focused on their(Karma's) reflection infront of them.

"So, why were you running?" Gakushū brought up. "And judging from that frantic woman's voice you were running from your mother no less"

Karma frowned, "You were running from your mother too you know" he pointed out. Still, he decided to answer his friend's question "We had a fight"

"Oh" was all Gakushū could bring himself to say. "I'm just so sick of them acting like we're one big happy family when in fact we're not!" Karma continued. "It's tiring listening to them fight and curse each other one day, only for them to pretend like nothing fucking happened the next day. They're gone most of the time and when they finally finally come home their attention's glued to their fucking cellphones and laptops!"

It pissed him off to no end. Even when they're home with him it still feels as if he's alone in that damned cold mansion! Even when he's eating dinner with his parents he feels as if he's still eating alone.

"This morning I woke up to my parents screaming at each other and the sound of furniture breaking" Karma told him. "Dad walked out, calling mom a psycho who could potentially food poison him-"

Gakushū snorted when he suddenly remembered his father poisoning his food and him spending his entire lunch period vomiting.

"--When she finally noticed I was there, she tried to coddle me. As if she's always been at home and not at some long ass business trip again" Karma sighed, pressing his back against the mirror wall. "I didn't even want to come here, but she forced me to. And instead of having fun I was irritated the entire time and finally blew up at her face earlier"

Irritation flashed across Gakushū's face.

Karma frowned. "What?"

"Nothing" Gakushū spat.

"There's clearly something, what is it?" Karma pushed.

Gakushū hesitated to look at him. "I just think you're being too hard on your parents"

"Too hard?" Karma glared at him.

"Yes. The way I see it, you're acting like a sulking spoilt kid who's furious because he doesn't get enough attention. I understand you feel neglected and that you have a right to be angry at your parents for always being gone" he narrowed his eyes at Karma. "But they are still your parents and they don't deserve the disrespect you're showing them, you shouldn't have yelled at your mother"

Karma gave a hollow laugh. "Oh? And what would you know?! Let's see here-" he raised three fingers "Your dad's an abusive piece of shit! Your mom's a wimp! And your big sissy abandoned you in hell!"

"Don't you dare bring my family into this Karma!"

"I got a neglectful selfish pair of adults for parents! They're okay with abandoning me eight to eleven months a year!" Karma yelled at him. "And you're telling me I shouldn't let them know how I feel?! What I think of them?! Should I just sit in silence while they pack up and ditch me again?!"

"No but do you honestly think that they will show you the affection you so desire if you continue to act like an ungrateful, wretched, spoiled, demon brat?! You have no respect whatsoever Karma!"

"HA! well they don't deserve my respect!"

"They work hard to put food on your table, clothes on your back and keep a roof over your head!" -Gakushū

"Maybe what I want ain't a bunch of fancy clothes or a giant building! What I fucking want is my fucking parents to stay by my side when I need them THE MOST!!" -Karma

"Hilarious! So ironic! You want your mother and father by your side yet you continue to push them away? Make up your mind already Karma" Gakushū mocked. Then, in a lower voice he whispered "at least you have parents who genuinely care"

"What was that smart ass?!"

Karma had grabbed his collar and pulled him close to his face, expression seething.

Calmly, Gakushū repeated. "I said, at least you have parents who genuinely care"

Silence fell upon the two boys. Golden eyes locked with amethyst ones.

Karma still did not let go of Gakushū's shirt collar. The strawberry blonde placed a hand on top of Karma's.

"The reason I was running from my mother is because I couldn't confine my traumatic experience in this very amusement park anymore. I thought I could endure it for her but..." His purple eyes darkened. "But everywhere we go, I'd receive a flashback of my sister"

Removing Karma's hand from his collar, he revealed that

"This is where she abandoned me"

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