57| Unexpected reunion

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Somewhere else...

"Hmm...this one smells like oranges...and mom likes the smell of oranges" Ren muttered to himself. "But this one is on sale" he turned his attention to the other bottle. "Which air freshener should I get?"


He heard the bell ring, signaling a customer entering. Footsteps can be heard approaching him.


He froze when he heard the voice of a girl he hasn't heard from in years.

Well, she's most likely a woman by now. He spun around and was met face to face with Asano Nanami, Gakushū's older sister. "N-Nanami-nee!" He stuttered, straightening up. "HI! I mean--Hello!"

The blonde woman snorted, and flashes him a large smile that captivated him completely. "Hello to you too Ren-kun"

She was a head taller than him now, her sunshine colored hair now reaches her backside, her hips wider and her chest fully developed. Ren forced his eyes to lower to her feet instead, feeling ashamed of himself for ogling his best friend's sister

"How have you been Nanami-nee? We haven't seen nor heard from you in years" he kept his eyes glued to her feet as he spoke. "Where have you been? What have you been up to? Does Gakushū-kun know you're back?"

Nanami smiled, finding the brunet's shyness endearing.

He's always been shy around her. It would seem even after all these years he still cannot seem to keep a straight face with her.

"I've been fine" she answered. "I've been living in a farm, growing my own food and such, as for Shū..." She pouted. "No he doesn't know I'm back yet" she winked at Ren

"Please don't tell him, mother and I are planning to surprise him later at the amusement park!" She pressed her finger against her plump lips.

Ren nodded "I promise to seal my lips shut!" He swore.

Nanami giggled, causing a thousand butterflies to flutter in his stomach.

"Don't tell me that after all these years...my crush for her never actually faded!" Ren thought with dismay. He thought he was completely over this amazing woman who he knows is way out of his league

As it turns out, he was wrong

"W-what are...um, what are you buying?" Ren asks. He hated himself so much for stuttering

Nanami smiled awkwardly. "Just, er....lady things"

"Maybe I can help!" The brunet offered, eager.

"No, no no Ren, it's fine" Nanami assured. "I don't want to bother you, you're already busy buying---air freshener?"

"Nonsense! I'd love to help you buy your lady needs, and I've already chosen which air freshener to buy anyway" Ren tossed the orange scented air freshener in his basket.

"No, Ren, what I'm buying are-"

"I'll even hold your basket for you" Ren continues



Nanami sounded embarrassed. "I'm on my period, I'm buying pads Ren" hearing this, the brunet blushed darkly. "Er--A-ahh! I see--Oh" scratching the back of his neck, he shuffled his feet awkwardly. "Well-"

"Yep" Nanami snickered

"Right, so uh-" straightening himself once more he forced out a smile "Tell Gakushū-kun I said hi! And--I'm sure he'll be very happy to see you again" lowering his head, he walked to the counter to pay.

Nanami chuckled, Ren was still the same sweet, silly boy as before. "Ahh. Better buy those pads and then meet with Shū" she reminded herself. And maybe she should buy him chocolates too, Gakushū used to love chocolates. She hopes he still does to this day


"Mother, who are we even waiting for?" Gakushū sighed exasperatedly.

"They should be here by now" Masami said. "What's taking them so long? They couldn't have gotten lost, they know this place like the back of their hands"

Gakushū frowned, wondering who this very important person they were supposed to meet up.

He really wished he was with Karma right now. Speaking of Karma, he really hoped the boy would come to his senses and treat his mother mote fairly now

He wonders what Karma's mother is really like

It was unfair of Gakushū to scold Karma like that and make assumptions when, he's never even met Karma's parents before. He just let his emotions get the better of him and start running his mouth.

But at least it all worked out in the end

He and Karma made up and got to learn more about each other

He even managed to get a kiss from the unpredictable red head.

Gakushū finds himself smiling as he remembered the kiss.

"Oh! Shū she's here!" He heard his mother exclaim

"Who is?" He asked, looking over her shoulder.

He did not liked who he saw.

"What the hell are you doing here?! You have some nerve to come back!"

He yells as soon as he sees his sister

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