31| Feelings that need to be prevented

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You gave me a shoulder when I needed it, you showed me love when I wasn't feeling it, you helped me fight when I was giving in, and you made me laugh when I was losing it



When Karma woke up hours later, it was to the sun's rays hitting his face, and the noise from his cellphone. He sat up in bed, his mind still half asleep. He took in his surroundings. "I'm back home" he muttered.

Was last night a dream then?

He looked down at his clothes and realized they were the same outfit he wore when he went out for a walk and met Gakushū at the park. Not a dream then.

He remembered they ended up stargazing and, it was the most relaxed and comfortable he's felt in a long time with someone that he allowed himself to fall asleep.

Gakushū must have carried him home.

Karma blushed at the image of Gakushū carrying him in his arms. He laughed a bit when he imagined Gakushū grumbling and complaining about him being too heavy.

Karma got out of bed and stretched, catching his reflection in the mirror across his bed, he froze when he realized something.

His mother's muffler. It was gone.

He remembered wrapping it around his neck and he's sure he didn't remove it at all.

Panicked the boy ducked on the ground and started searching frantically for the red fabric. "Calm down" he told himself. "Maybe it fell off the bed, maybe I sleep walked and put it back in the box!"

He rushed to his closet and started tossing out clothes in search of the box. When he found it he grabbed the small box and removed the lid.

It wasn't there.

"Fuck!" He stood up and staggered backwards. He shouldn't have brought it out, it was safe hidden away in the box. Just then his phone rang on his bed.

Dazed, he mindlessly walked over to the bed and answered the call. "What?" He demanded harshly.

"Good morning" came Gakushū's voice.

Karma immediately felt himself calm when he heard Gakushū's voice. "H-hi" he responded.

"You should still attend your afternoon classes you know. It doesn't matter how late you are, just make up an excuse why you didn't attend this morning" Gakushū quipped.

"Is that all you called me for?" Karma didn't hide the whine in his voice. He heard Gakushū sigh exasperatedly. "Do you miss me? Aaaadmit it you miss me~" Karma teased.

"You're an idiot"

"Didn't deny the part where you miss me" Karma smirked. He glanced at his reflection again, eyeing his neck. "Hey.. Gakushū, did you take my muffler?"

"......yes" Gakushū responded after a momentary pause.

"What?!" He hissed getting onto his feet. "Why?!"

"I'm sorry" Gakushū was surprised at the anger in Karma's voice. "I'll return it tomorrow"

"You'll give it back today!" Karma snapped.

On the other side, Gakushū was leaning against the railing. The boy was at the school's rooftop, thinking no one would come find him up there. Karma's muffler was wrapped snuggly around his neck. "It must mean a lot to him. Shit, I took something sentimental" he thought. "Don't you want me to wash it first?"

"No" Karma emphasized.

"Okay, if that's what you wish" Gakushū sighed. "I'm sorry, I really am. I don't even know why I took it"

Karma paused on the other line. "I'm sorry for how I reacted. It's just really important to me" he hung up.

Gakushū sighed and placed his phone inside his pocket. He brought the fabric up his nose and closed his eyes, inhaling the lingering smell of Karma's scent.

"What is going on with me?" He mumbled. Truth be told he knows exactly what is going on with him, but he didn't want to admit it. Admitting it out loud would only confirm everything he's been thinking about.

The way he behaved around Akabane, his impulses, how he felt so safe being with the red head

"This isn't good" he closed his eyes, and Karma's face appeared in his head. "No, damn it I can't fall for him, I can't be with him, not like that "

He's broken. Karma doesn't deserve him, he can do better than him. He doesn't deserve someone so damaged.

Gakuho would never leave them alone.

This, this feeling he has, he needs to stop it before he loses himself to it completely.

But how?

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