20| What else to save you from?

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It's like, he doesn't hear a word I say
His mind is somewhere far away
And I don't know how to get there


After the delicious meal Gakushū prepared that the two of them had a great time eating(not a single drop was left on their plates) the two's bodies moved automatically to clear the table together and do the dishes.

It was a surprise how their bodies moved in perfect sync. It was like they could read each other's minds.

Gakushū rinsed the plates, Karma was the one who soaped them. Gakushū aggressively scrubbed a plate to make sure a dirty spot wasn't left behind, while Karma just scrubbed in a relaxed manner as he watched his companion be at war with the plate.

Karma wiped the plates and utensils, Gakushū's the one to return them to the cupboard.

Then, Gakushū got a broom and dustpan, got on his hands and knees, and then started sweeping under the table. Karma raised a brow at this, but just shrugged and got a wet rug, wiping the table above.

Once they finished cleaning the kitchen, the two went to the living room to watch a movie in comfortable silence.

"What time do you head home?" Karma brought up a few minutes into the movie.

"After the movie" Gakushū answered automatically.

"Oh" was all Karma responded. The red head has to admit, it was nice having the strawberry blonde in the house. He made the place less dreary and lonely.

"Thank you" he heard Gakushū quietly say to him. Karma glanced at him, his eyes are still on the screen of the TV. "For what?"

"For saving me" Gakushū looked at him as if Karma was supposed to know this. The red head scoffed, causing the blonde to frown.

"I haven't saved you" Karma corrected. "Yet" he finished.

"What else is there to save me from?" Gakushū snorted. "I won't be jumping off bridges again Karma. Rest assured, I've doubled my doses"

"You're still taking those?!" Karma glared at him. "You promised to stop. They're bad for you"

"I never promised anything" Gakushū replied coolly.

"They mess with your head" Karma snapped. "And what if you overdose?! Dumbass!"

Gakushū laughed. "Then I overdose! Then I'm a dumbass" he shrugged. "Then I die"


Karma raised his hand and slapped Gakushū square in the face. "Do you really have no value over yourself?" He looked at the strawberry blonde in disbelief.

"And you ask me what else I have to save you from" Karma's sounded so pissed off.

Gakushū shuddered as he felt Karma's eyes take him in. Studying his body, lingering on the bandages on his arms and neck.

His lips curled to a sarcastic smirk. "Thanks for the slap" he chuckled. "I needed that"

Karma just stared at him.

The sounds of the movie playing in the background faded into nothing because their ears were more focused in listening to each other's breathing and the small sounds they make. Such as grunting, scoffing, chuckling, and the clicking of their tongues. Gakushū placed a hand against the cheek that Karma slapped.

"Sorry" the red head looked at his hands.

"That slap was nothing compared to what my father's capable of" Gakushū scoffed, further upsetting Karma.

Suddenly, the red head had him pinned down.

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