13| Keeping a close watch

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Feeling shitty in my bed, didn't take my fucking meds, hyperpop up in my ears everything just disappears


"Whatever, I don't want to hear your bullshit reason. I'm going home" Gakushū stood up from the swing. "You still left your bag at my house"
Karma reminded.

"Oh, right" Gakushū sighed.

The two left the playground and walked back to Karma's house in icy silence. Neither liked it but neither tried to break it either.

When they got back to the house, and go inside, Gakushū rushed to the room where his bag was and snatched it up, before turning on his heels to face Karma. "I'll see you around Akabane" Gakushū nodded his head at him.

Karma didn't respond, instead stepping aside and allowing Gakushū to leave.

When Gakushū passed him, Karma grabbed his wrist, gently this time. And said "You're not alone".

Gakushū just scoffed, and snatched his wrist, leaving the red head without so much as a backwards glance. Karma would never know how relieved he was to hear that.


Three days later

Gakushū was finally allowed back to school by his father.

Finally allowed to leave his room.

Finally allowed to eat proper meal.

"Good morning Asano! Did you enjoy your vacation?" Ren approached him cheerfully. Gakushū blinked in confusion. "Vacation?"

"Your father explained that the reason you couldn't come to school was because you went on a trip to Seoul in Korea with your mom!" Ren exclaimed excitedly. "I've never been to Korea before, how was it?"

"It was-" horrible, hell, he almost died, he was locked up in his room for three days eating only small bread and water and only had his books for company! He didn't go to Korea with his mother, as a matter if fact he hasn't seen his mother for months!

"Fantastic" Gakushū smiled. "I'll tell you about it later. Can you give me notes about the lessons I missed?"

Meanwhile, in the E-class building


Karma shot at his teacher again, narrowly missing a tentacle, much to his irritation.


He fired again and again, missing his target. The worst part is the knowledge that he almost, so very closely had his teacher! Maybe if he was a second or two faster?

"Karma seems to be...on edge" Kaede told Nagisa later.

The blue haired boy looked at the greenette. "On edge?"

"I can't explain it but it's like he's worried for something or someone. And he's more distant to us" the girl explained. Nagisa looked over at his friend who was sitting far away from them, criss cross legged, under the shade of a tree.

Karma looked down at his watch, watching the minutes go by and waiting impatiently for the time he set to-

Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep!

Karma stood up and ran into the forest.

"Where is he going?" Rio asked, standing beside a concerned Nagisa.

The short boy stared at the spot his red haired friend was previously at. "Kayano, remember that incident with Asano? When Karma saved him from drowning?"


Karma took out a pair of binoculars from his bag and looked through it, seeing Gakushū still at his seat in his classroom at the third floor of the building. The boy let nodding off but didn't let sleep get to him.

Karma let out a sigh of relief.

He put the binoculars on again, and saw that Gakushū had looked out the window and seemed to had made eye contact with him.

He zoomed the binoculars to get a better look of Gakushū, and saw the strawberry blonde gave him the middle finger, before returning his attention to the teacher no doubt.

"Looks like we have nothing to worry about after all, he's just checking up on his boyfriend!" Came Nakamura's voice behind him.

Karma flinched and groaned, before turning around and saw Rio smirking at him. With her was Kayano and Nagisa, looking concerned for him.

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