36| Asano Masami

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Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains


Gakushū sat on his bed, hugging his knees. It was 10:59pm

Still no mother.

"Perhaps she'll be home much later than expected? Well, she did say she'd be home late, she'll probably turn up at 1am for all I know" Gakushū sighed before turning off his lamp and getting under the covers.

He felts his wrists, feeling the softness of the new bandages that was given to him by his father.

The cotton balls and disinfectant held nothing in them that could cut, stung, or poisoned his skin after he used them to clean his wounds. Which surprised Gakushū, and made him suspicious.

He couldn't sleep. His thoughts were a tornado of what ifs. What if the next day when he wakes up his skin will have peeled off? What if his cuts would reopen and blood would pool out and he'd die of blood lost? "Stop it" he told himself, shaking his head and rolling to his side, facing the wall.

He tried to calm his paranoid mind. It has already been hours since he used the disinfectant given to him by Gakuho, hours since the strange dinner. So far, nothing has happened to him yet.

The boy shut his eyes, forcing himself to just go to sleep already.

He will see his mother in the morning.


Morning came much faster than Gakushū thought. He was woken up by knockings coming from his door, and when he pried his eyes opened, he called out an irritated "Yes?"

"Sir Gakushū, g-good morning" came the voice of that same maid from yesterday. "Uh..um, your mother and father are requesting your presence downstairs for, breakfast"

Odd. He's never eaten breakfast with his parents before. Most of the time he's just grabbing a slice of bread and then running out of the house. "Tell them I'll be down soon" he responded, getting out of bed.

He got dressed hurriedly, and left his bedroom.

When he got to the dining room he saw his mother sitting beside his father quietly eating breakfast.

She lifted her head and met his eyes. She flashed him a quick smile that didn't quite meet her eyes but he saw the warmth there that he hadn't seen in months. "Mother" he greeted, not bothering to hide the happiness in his voice.

Asano Masami is a 38 year old woman with honey blonde hair that was piled high on her head, though two strands were left down framing her heart shaped face. Her eyes are an emerald green color that reminded Gakushū of an endless field of grass.

"Ohayōgozaimasu! Shū" she greeted him.

Gakushū took his seat opposite his mother. "Okaerinasai mama" he said, lowering his head to focus on his food.

"Tadaima Shū" he heard her respond warmly. Gakushū had to bite the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from smiling even more.

The family ate in complete silence, only the sound of utensils moving, chewing, and swallowing can be heard in the room.

Then all three of them stood up, and left, each with their own destinations.

Gakushū was walking to school

Gakuho took the car, with the intention to drive somewhere else before heading for the school

And Masami would buy groceries.

When Gakushū was heading for the gate, he was stopped by his father calling him.

"Yes, sir?" Gakushū approached him.

The man leaned against his car, quietly surveying him up and down. "Would you like to ride with me to school? Gakushū?"

This sudden offer visibly shocked Gakushū. "I--Pardon?" He stammered.

"I asked you if you would like to ride with me to school" the Chairman repeated, this time sounding more annoyed.

Gakushū didn't know what to make of this. He felt his stomach twist in a knot. First he was given non-poisoned-dinner, and then disinfectants to clean his wounds, now a free ride to school? Is this some sort of trick?

Instinctively, he looked behind him, and saw that his mother was watching from the door to the house. She nodded her head at him encouragingly.

"Well...alright then, thank you" Gakushū answered.

Gakuho nodded and got in the driver's seat. Gakushū sat in the back.

He hugged his bag infront of him as if it was his shield.

He did not understand his nervousness, or why he felt his stomach's insides twisting into a knot.

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