48| Plans

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Call the doctor, call the doctor
There must be something wrong with me


"Have you finished the work sheets I left for you?" He asked coldly.

"Yes sir" he responded dutifully.

"Are your wounds healing?"

"Yes sir" slowly, but at least they are healing.

They talked about events that will be held for the school, the school festival and such, not like Gakushū really actually care. He was only half paying attention.

To his great relief, his father seemed to be in a very good mood. Good enough not to subject him to torture.

"You may leave" Gakuho said, dismissing him.

Gakushū left the room, breathing a sigh of relief when the door is closed behind him.

He went to the bathroom, and splashed cold water on his face, just to calm himself. "Breathe.....breathe..."he coached himself.

Opening the cabinet, he reached his hand to take some vitamins only to knock off a bottle of sleeping pills and his father's medication.

Gakushū cursed and bent to pick them up, when he read the medication he's father has been taking. He frowned, when he realized his father has been taking antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications and antipsychotic drugs.

"Wh-" he froze when he heard footsteps.

Quickly, he returned everything inside the cabinet and left the bathroom.

He smiled at his mother as he passed her, before hiding in his room.

He looked down at his hand, and realized he still clutched the pill bottle in hand.

He was about to return it to the cabinet in the bathroom, but stopped when an idea formed in his devious mind. Suppose, just suppose he mixes the sleeping pills with his parents' food and drink, and then escape the house as soon as they were out like a light?

That could work. But as soon as he was out of the house then what? Where is he supposed to go?

Hearing heavy footsteps outside, Gakushū shoved the bottle in his pants pocket.

He's decided he needs to do this before he loses his nerve. Anything is better than staying in this wretched house another minute longer, he's a smart boy, he'll figure out what to do as soon as he's out of here.

Maybe he can just stay with Karma for the time being, a good few short days.

And then take his father to court for child abuse. His body is littered with scars, those are evidence enough.

"Shū-chan" he heard his mother's affectionate voice. "Dinner's ready"

Hearing her voice, was enough for Gakushū to abandon his plan. He can't leave behind his mother

He knows if he runs away his poor mother will be left alone here, at the mercy of his father, she'll be beaten by him everyday.

Biting his lip, he messed his hair a little bit.

"I could just drug father only. And then convince mother to gather all the money we'll need and get out of here" he thought. "But what if mother doesn't want to leave?! She loves father too much!"

Maybe he could still stick to his original plan of drugging both his parents, but this time he'll have to carry his mother with him.

But is he even strong enough to carry his mother?

Knock knock! "Gakushū! Dinner's ready" his mother called him again.

"I'm coming mother" he said, voice cracking just a bit, agitation and frustration eating him alive.

He went to his closet and hid the bottle of sleeping pills inside the pocket of one of his jackets.

"I made a feast tonight! Especially since, tomorrow someone very special will be visiting us!" His mother's giddy voice brought a smile to his face, albeit a small one.


He fished out his phone from his pocket. Akabane sent him a picture.

Karma: I know you already miss looking at my perfect face that screams ✨perfection✨ ;) enjoy7:50pm

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Karma: I know you already miss looking at my perfect face that screams ✨perfection✨ ;) enjoy

Gakushū grinned a full blown grin, before saving the photo and considered using it as his wallpaper. But changed his mind and put it in a hidden folder.

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