59| Gakushū snaps

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What should she say to him?: I've missed you little brother? You have no idea how much I've regretted leaving you behind? I wanted to take you with me that day? I'm doing everything I can to take custody over you?

As she sat there next to her little brother, forced to sit so close by their mother that their knees were touching, she couldn't help but turn her head to his side to look at how much he's grown.

She feared that she wouldn't be able to bring herself to look at him if he turned out looking like their father, the source of her pain and trauma, but she found she couldn't find any resemblance to Gakuho at all.

Or maybe it was because she couldn't care less who he looks like now

In her eyes Gakushū is simply Gakushū. Her brother, the reason she gets up every morning and spend countless nights wide awake scanning papers and studying law in order to take her brother back and put that monster behind bars one day.

She was so excited when she got on that train back to town, contacted her mother after so many years, and made an arrangement for a meet up. She was so excited to see him again

She was bursting with joy that she hadn't felt in such a long time

To calm herself down she took a detour around town to see if anything changed.

Aside from new buildings and stores nothing changed much really.

She didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed.

She met up with a childhood friend. Gakushū's best friend, Sakakibara Ren. She laughed in her head when she realized he hadn't changed at all either, still awfully shy around her, turning beet red when she gets to close.

It's really still fun to tease the boy.

Her eyes shifted to her brother who was still looking out the window.

Their mother left them alone to get their ice creams. Ordering them to stay together

It was rare for Masami to 'order' them to do anything. Seems their mom really wanted things to work out between them huh? Such a wonderful woman

Wonderful but also stupid sometimes.

"Could you please look at me brother?" She requested, pressing a palm on her cheek.

Recieving no response from the younger boy, she continued

"I've been doing fine by myself but it gets really lonely at the farm. On my free days I ride my horses, hey remember when we were kids and we'd beg mother to take us out to see horses?" Her tone took an excited turn

"You must be wondering what kind of farm I run, it's a strawberry farm. I make strawberry jam and sell them at the market, of course I don't really come down the mountain--my farm's located up at a mountain by the way--I have delivery trucks coming over to load the jams and a couple hours later they appear in shelves at stores"

She continued even if Gakushū wasn't responding to her, because she knows he's listening. His ears would occasionally twitch when he reacts to something

"The house is big, plenty of space, plenty of rooms, I had it built using the money I took from my bank account and some money I stole from dad's"

She had some nerve to use her father's money but it was her 'f you!' to him.

She still had plenty of other 'f you' ideas and she's reserving her biggest 'f you' for him for much later

"Stop it" he finally spoke. Nanami was confused "Stop what?"

"Stop pretending like you didn't leave me alone in hell to fend for myself for years" Gakushū snapped. "Like you didn't spend the first few years of my life hating me before you decided to take care of me just because you realized he was treating me like crap too!"

"I bet if you didn't notice he was abusing me too, you wouldn't start caring for me huh?! Bitch!"

She noticed the veins on his temple became more visible. He was really mad.

"Did you honestly expect a warm fucking welcome from me?! 'Oh onee-sama welcome home my beloved sister! I missed you so much!' did you expect that from me?!" His violet eyes darkened

"No, honestly I didn't" Nanami responded calmly. "But-"

"Do you know how many nights I spent in my room crying myself to sleep? For fuck's sake I blamed myself for everything Nanami! Blamed myself for why you left, hated myself for what our shit for a father does to us! I suffered alone!"

Masami who had just returned with a tray of their ice cream, stopped just two feet away from their table when she heard her son's revelation.

She wanted to stop him, shush him, but something in her told her to listen to what he's been keeping bottled up to himself for years

"I tried to contact you but you never fucking responded! I'd hide in a closet in fear of father finding out I still wanted my big sister, I try to reach out to you but...ZERO response was what I got!"


"No DON'T FUCKING CALL ME BY THAT DAMNED NICKNAME! only people who matter to me can call me that, people who stay by my side!"

"I wanted to take you with me but I was too young, too scared-" she tried to explain only to be cut off

"If the roles were fucking reversed at least through pain and hardships I would have made sure we stuck together!"

"Do you really think running away at seventeen was easy?!" Nanami raised her voice

"And did you really think staying at that damned house is easy? Do you know what I've been going through?!"

Once again they were the subject of attention. Some were whispering or even pointing at them but they ignored the people

The strawberry blonde closed his eyes, his shoulders shaking. He stood up to his full height, and so did Nanami


"I hate you so much" his voice cracked, feeling something warm and wet slide down his cheek. His anger grew when he felt someone touch his shoulder

"You abandoned me for years and now had the nerve to come back pretending everything is okay! Don't act like you really care! Why'd you really come back?! Huh?! Why?! Because I know for a fact you didn't come back for me!"

"Gakushū, that's enough..."

Finally coming to his senses, his head shot up, revealing his tearful wide eyes.

Arms wrapped securely around him. Lips pressed against his cheek

A hand reached down to take his into theirs.

Nanami's eyes stared transfixed at the two of them. Especially at the red head holding her brother so securely.

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