69| The Decision Part 4

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"L-let's play a game Gakushū!" Nine year old Nanami said breathlessly.

She had suddenly barged into his room, all bruised and battered. The little boy looked up from his literature book, confused.

"N-now? " he asks. "But father says I must-"

"Never mind what father says! " Nanami hurriedly interrupts, rushing towards him and scooping him up in her arms. His thick book dropped to the ground with a loud


Followed by fists banging on the door, and a cold mocking voice on the other side, chastising Nanami for using her brother as a shield, calling her  coward and pathetic, that she should take her punishment with her head held high.

Nanami covered his mouth and whispered "be very quiet okay? Daddy's it"

Similar violet irises widened in understanding. He nodded

Nanami's eyes lands on his closet

Rushing towards the closet she reached one hand and-


He slides open the hidden door in the closet. The door that leads him into a secret tunnel that can take him anywhere around the house.

This explains why sometimes their servants would appear and reappear in various room so quickly it almost as if they were in two places at once. Gakushū hums as he enters the closet, closes the door, enters the hallway behind said closet, and slides the hidden door closed.

Camouflaging it as an ordinary wall.

With a shoulder bag hanging on him, he quietly walks the dark hall, with only the light from his phone lighting his way 

He peeks on the cracks on the walls and sees Yuki cooking dinner.

He never liked that girl, always found something off with her vibe. Still, he felt bad for her, because she just wanted to be recognized as an equal member of the family, even if she's a distant cousin who's blood relation to them was so thin it practically didn't matter.

He walks some more, passing the living room, drawing room, library, and various extra rooms that barely get any visitors.

Soon he finds himself in front of the wall that separates himself from his father's office.

The man was burning all the pills and medicine Gakushū had bought for him. He smirked, enjoying his father's paranoia

No doubt tomorrow his father will go to the pharmacy to buy his own stock.

That was how much he distrusted his own family members. Something Gakushū swore will lead to Gakuho's downfall... With a bit of patience and effort...

Gakushū watched the man type in the code for the lock on the safe. But just as the man was about to open it and Gakushū was about to see the contents inside

Gakuho whirled around and looked at the wall where his son stood behind watching him

Gakushū's hand flew to his mouth to cover whatever sound would have escaped him in surprise. He thought his heart leaped out if his throat

"For a moment I thought he was looking right at me" he thinks, fearfully.

Gakushū decided to just leave and headed to Nanami's room

"Three more days"



Karma cocks his head to the side as he studied his target. The manila paper that had the drawing of a silhouette of a man was riddled with bullet holes.

He heard clapping behind him

"I'm worried I'm raising a war-monger" Natsuki sighed, but her tone sounded impressed. "Eight bullseyes? And all under a minute" she whistled.

"How'd you find me? " Karma asks with a concerned frown.

The backyard of the Akabane residence led to a wooded area and Karma would occasionally hide away there from his parents whenever he couldn't stand the screaming matches and the furniture breakings.

Lately, the house has been quieter. It wasn't peaceful though, it was more tense and icy. Karma deduced it would lead to the inevitable, a divorce. Something he really really would rather not think about...

"Mother's intuition, plus the sounds of gunshots and spanish curses" she explained. "May I? " she reached out her hand, palm open. Karma raised a brow skeptically "You know how to shoot? "

"Speaking of shooting, Karma, since when have you known how to shoot and gun, load it, and where did you get it? " she pointedly asked.

Karma cursed under his breath, before shrugging off her suspicious gaze and appearing nonchalant.

"It's a bb gun and the bullets are paint balls"

"Looks real for me" Natsuki eyed it suspiciously.

"When you live alone you need to learn to defend yourself from unwanted house intruders" Karma snapped.

Natsuki still had her hand out.

Reluctantly, Karma handed her the anti-koro-sensei 'toy' gun(he watched his mother measure the weight of it) and the woman checked the bullets, studying the colorful 'pellet' guns. "Hmm..." She then took aim and-


Karma jumped back and fell in his butt, eyes widened in shock as he stared at the remains of the target. "You... that.. Mom?! " he looked at his mother in disbelief.

The woman coolly reloaded the gun, twirled it in hand, and stuffed the 'toy' in her back pocket. "What? " she raised a brow at him. "Where'd you think ya get it from? Your dad? "

Karma looked at the target once again, the remains floated in mid air before landing softly in the ground.

"Can you... Teach me how to shoot like that? " he asks.

Natsuki smiles pleasantly. "Been wanting to correct your posture ever since I first saw you"

(Author: everything will make sense soon...)

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