26| At the end of the day they have each other's backs

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And this storm is rising inside of me
Don't you feel that our whole worlds collide? It's getting harder to breathe
It hurts deep inside


Gakushū was hunched over the toilet, emptying out his stomach of every content he had since breakfast and lunch. He vomited so much that he eventually started vomiting with blood mixed in. At the sight of the blood, he growled, and wiped his lips, before sitting down on the cold tiled floor of the boy's room. "Father must have...mixed something in my food today" he said, with a dark chuckle.

Either Gakuho had drugged his breakfast and the poison(what else was he supposed to call it?) Was only taking affect now....or all of his food had been mixed with something. But if it was the latter then that would mean that the chairman would have risked drugging other students as well, because Gakushū eats in the cafeteria. Whatever it is, Gakushū's stomach is in pain, making him throw up all of his breakfast and lunch.

He wiped his sweaty forehead, and just sat there on the tiled bathroom floor, good thing it was dry.

He wobbly stood up, one hand on his stomach, and the other on his hurting forehead. His fingers twitched for his pills, a burning desire to pop one in his mouth especially since he felt so drained. Any kind of pill would do whether it was those pills that kept him awake for unhealthy amount of hours

The sleeping pills that helped him rest and recharge his energy

Or maybe those sweet, candy like pills he bought from the internet a few weeks back? Those pills helped him focus more, his senses heightened thanks to those pills. OR! he can swallow three pills each?! The energy ones to finish the day, the candy like pills to make him hyper focus, and then eventually the sleeping pills to say good bye to the real world and enter his dreams?

It sounded very tempting, and he almost went a head and done it had it not been for a student knocking on his stall.

Gakushū got up hurriedly and opened the door, he smiled politely at the younger student, who nodded awkwardly at him, before stepping out and letting the boy enter the stall and do his business. He shoved his hands in his pockets(out of habit because his pills were often in his pockets before Karma confiscated them a while back) and headed to his classroom.


Karma sent a blow to the boy's perfect jaw, before delivering a kick to his side, sending the boy flying and hitting the wall.

Another hand grabbed his arm and hauled him backwards, but Karma was quick to balance himself and jabbed the other boy's stomach.

"ACK!" the boy howled in pain, clutching his stomach and glaring at Karma hatefully. Karma just laughed at him "Pathetic. You five ambushed me at the back of the school, I'm clearly out outnumbered, and yet-" he gestured to the five of them lying on the ground in pain.

"I still manage to beat you all up! Pathetic!" He mocked.

"Fuck you!" One of them spat. "You're a stupid E-class loser who's unwanted by everyone and doesn't deserve to walk the grounds of our magnificent school!" He smirked at Karma. "I bet even your own E-class loser classmates secretly hate you! Ha!"

Karma's eyes noticeably became darker. But then he rolled his eyes and kicked the boy's side, before stepping over him as if he was some sort of rug. "I knew there would be a cliché bully quip here, 'You're unwanted! You're a mistake! You're a loser!' blah blah blah and then I'd be really pissed off and blah blah blah more fighting"

He left behind the injured bodies of the worthless pieces of trash who stupidly thought they can tear him apart. It was laughable really, how they went at him with fists flying, and it seemed as if they really planned it too because of how confident they were. They certainly did not expect this out come, that was for sure.

"All thanks to my assassin training" he thought smugly as he went up the mountain taking the forest ruite.

"You'll get what you deserve Akabane! You fucking bastard! Good for nothing!" The leader yelled pathetically.

Coincidentally, Gakushū was going through the forest too. He wandered to the E-class mountain by mistake because he was too lost in his little world and his desire for his precious pills distracted him, he did not realize that he entered the forest until a while later, and by then he decided that going to class would just be a waste because he wouldn't be able to focus much anyway no matter how hard he tried.

It was also his act of rebellion against his father.

Karma stopped when he saw Gakushū standing infront of him, a few feet away, looking stressed and tired, his tie was loose and his uniform was crumpled, his once neat hair was messy, with his hair sticking in various directions. Karma would have laughed at him but something about Gakushū's appearance(plus the weird smell coming from him) worried him.

Gakushū meanwhile surveyed Karma up and down, eyes widening a fraction when he noticed the bit of blood on the corners of Karma's lips, and the bruises all over his arms(because the sleeves of his jacket had been rolled up) and face.

"Are you okay?/What happened?!" The two asked each other, Karma sounding worried but calm and gentle, while Gakushū was more panicked.

Suddenly Gakushū was up his face, glaring at him. "Did you get into a fight Akabane?! Seriously? You idiot! Why can't you stay out of trouble" he grabbed the boy's arm(Karma noticed Gakushū's hold on him was a little more gentler) and led him towards a big tree, forced him to sit on the ground, before kneeling Infront of him and studying his bruises.

Karma held back a smile as he watched Gakushū unknowingly fuss over him and his bruises.

"Awwe, he cares" he thought, snickering in his head. But his amusement turned to relief and gratefulness. "He cares...."

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