49| Almost there

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Let's go in the garden
You'll find something waiting
Right there where you left it lying upside down, when you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded, the underside is lighter when you turn it around


Dinner tonight was.... different.

This time, they, the three of them, ate together. His mother sat by his father's side, his father sat at the head of the table, and he sat three chairs away from them.

It was quiet, peaceful.

His mother even hummed as she ate.

It should sooth him, should have sooth him.

A normal person would bask in the peaceful evening, would enjoy the humming melody of his mother.

But Gakushū is far from a normal person is he?

He's anxious, nervous. What could his father be planning this time? Maybe he mixed something in his food again and later he will be running to the bathroom to empty his stomach.

He shuddered at the thought of vomiting the entire night. Again.

"Gakushū" his mother spoke.

"Yes?" He looked at her.

Her kind eyes melted his heart, he felt reassured. "Tomorrow, someone special will be visiting" she said. "Ah...yes, you said that earlier" he said, unsurely. "Who is it?"

Masami smiled excitedly, her cheeks flushed. "It's a surprise!" She giggled. This brought a smile to Gakushū's face. "I...look forward to it" he managed to say.

His eyes travelled to his father, who didn't remove his attention from his plate.

"Your school festival is approaching am I right?" His mother brings up.


"I want to go and see what your class' theme will be this year!" She beamed at him. "It's been a while since I've attended an event at your school" she muses. "I cannot wait to see what A-class has to offer, and maybe, we'll see E-class too"

This got Gakushū choking on his rice, and he felt his father's ice cold stare boring through him.

"And just why would you want to see the work of failures?" He scoffed.

Gakushū gritted his teeth but restrained himself from snapping "they're not failures!" To his father.

"Hmm? Why not dear?" Masami asks, confused as to why her husband seemed upset. "Gakushū has a close friend in E-class doesn't he? I don't see what's wrong with seeing what his friend's class has to offer too"

"R-right, yes" Gakushū agrees.

"You've been spending most of your time with one particular E-class student. His name is Akabane Karma right? Red hair, yellow eyes?" Gakuho brings up.

"Er...yes" Gakushū hesitantly answered.

"That's his name? Karma...Karma..."Masami furrows her brows as she racks her brain to try to find any reference to the name. "He sounds familiar to me..."

"He's a good friend" Gakushū interrupted. "But we're not that close really. We've only ever hung out at school, never outside the school grounds really" he lies. "He lives on the outskirts of town"

"Oh" Masami tilted her head to the side. "I see....but I thought...nevermind, I must be mistaken" she muttered.

After dinner, Gakushū helped Masami clean the table, before going to his room.

He was stopped by Gakuho.

"Give me your phone" he ordered.

Gakushū's blood ran cold. "W-what?"

Gakuho narrowed his eyes at him. "Give me your phone" he repeats.

Gakushū hastily pulled out his phone from his pocket and reluctantly handed it to him.

Gakuho unlocked it, and started going through Gakushū's contacts.

There were only four people in his contacts

His, Masami's, Ren's, and one named Shinku (Author: Literally means crimson)

He stared at the name for several seconds, before tossing the phone back to Gakushū who caught it with ease.

"If you behave yourself..." He warns. "I might, let you keep your friend" and then the man turned his back and left him alone. Gakushū clutched his phone close to his chest. He...he left him off easy...

Gakushū let out a small laugh of disbelief

He let him off easily

Entering his room and closing the door, he breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm fine" he said. "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm perfectly fine" he repeated this phrase over and over.

Then, he walked towards his bed and pulled out a box. Inside the box was a an old knapsack.

"Almost" he said to himself. "Almost there"

His plan is constantly changing but right now he feels that the stars are aligning in his favour.

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