7. Introductions

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We follow our 'brother' down the stairs, and I don't let go of Lily's hand. It may seem abnormal, how often we hold hands or hug, but after everything that's happened over the years? Only being able to have the physical contact prevents lily from having an anxiety attack or myself from lashing out. It took some time before lily allowed me to touch her skin, but when she did I swore my heart soared with pride for the timid girl who locked herself away.

If I had known why, well, let's just say I would be in prison on a murder charge right now.

Jayden opens the second door on the left wall once we descend the steps. "This is your room, Luca. It was previously an unused guest room, so feel free to change and decorate how you wish."

A king sized bed is pushed against the centre of the furthest wall, a white bedside table with a grey lamp and a circular white rug in-front of the door. ''Wait, my room? Where is lily staying?" Jayden walks across the short distance of the hall towards another door and opens it.

The first thing you notice is the large, shaggy blue rug in the centre of the floor. A four poster, king sized bed is on top with one door to the far left. A stack of three books rest in the corner of a ledged windowsill, where a fuzzy grey blanket is folded beneath a square pillow.

"We don't need both, just one will be fine. Which one do you want. Lily?" she looks back at me, eyes filled with amasement. This room is practically three times the size of any motel we've stayed in these past months. "This one," she whispers. I nod my head and begin to follow after her into the room when someone grip on my forearm stops me.

I look down at the hand, and follow it up the arm until I'm staring directly at their face. Jayden pulls his hand back, stuffing it into his front pocket. "There really is no need to share. There is plenty of room and you're only three steps across the hall-" I cut him off. "We stay together." and I slammed the door in all three of their faces.

Ever since I can remember, Lily always hated sleeping alone on her room. She would sneak into mine in the early hours in the morning, her movements slow and her voice broken. At first it sometimes irritated me, but once I found out I practically forced her to stay in my room. Though she gladly complied.

I watched as she turned in a full circle, eagerly taking in all the minute details of the room. "Do you like it?" I question. She looks at me in disbelief. "Like it? Like it! Lu, this room is huge!" she points towards the large quilt on the bed, "I wont have to fight you to get the covers. Look at the size of it!" I cant help the smile that creeps onto my face at her excitement. She deserves this. She deserved this. She deserved everything and anything she could dream up. Not the shit she was forced to endure.

"We will need to stop off at the motel to pick up our bags, I'll go let the oldest one know. You stay here and explore." She nods in agreement and I make my way down to the ground floor. All of the boys are sat on the stools around the kitchen island. "I need to go back to the place we were staying to collect our stuff."

They each turn to face me, Mason glaring at me the way he did my sister. I don't like how he looks at her, because I know it makes Lily feel anxious and even a little bit pissed off. Jayden rises from his seat, using his hands to flatten the imaginary creases of his navy suit jacket. What kind of pompous asshole wears a suit in their own home? I internally roll my eyes. These guys are definitely trust fund babies. They probably have more in their wallet, then me and Lily will ever have in our entire lives. Combined.

Well, maybe they will pay us enough money while we stay here that we can get out of this country as a whole. I know it's always been Lily's dream to travel to Italy.

"Very well, go get Lily and we will drive you."


"What?" Jayden's brows furrow in confusion.

"She's Liliana to you. She is only Lily to me." I may sound like a little brat, but its true. Just like she's really the only one who calls me Lu. Jayden looks as though he is about to speak, but shakes his head at himself and gestures for me to go back up the stairs to collect my sister.


The look of disgust on each of the boys faces makes my blood burn. We pulled up outside our motel in a sleek black SUV, and as soon as they lay their eyes on the rundown building their faces scrunched up and their eyes widened. I suppose they've never had to be on this side of their home before. Ignorant twats.

They follow behind us in silence, and as we open the door we find the stuck up boy behind the desk. When he looks up from his phone screen to see it's me, he rolls his eyes. But when he notices the line of giants behind me his skin pales slightly, and his eyes widen. "Ca...Can I help you gentlemen?" Huh. Where was this hospitality when I asked you for assistance earlier? Little rat.

None of us respond, the only sound the thumping of boots on the faded red carpet; which is adorned with black burn marks from tossed cigarettes. I'm almost certain that the darker stain in the corner is piss, and that's only confirmed when I walk past it. A strong wave of ammonia hits my nostrils and the stench makes my eyes water. The culprit could do with more water. Dude, not the time!

I push open the door, using my foot to keep it open as Lily walks in and straight over to the thin wardrobe where we left our bags. "This is where you've been staying? For how long?" Jayden continues when I don't instantly reply to his first question.

I just give him a blank look before moving to help Lily carry the bags. Her shoulders are too bony, and I actually fear the weight of the bags could cause something to break. id never forgive myself for that. A timid voice softly slices through the dusty air, "not too long. Its really not that bad here." Lily didn't even stutter once. I give her shoulder a gentle squeeze, letting her know I noticed and am proud.

Nobody speaks again until we pile into the car. The cool leather seats contrasting the blazing sun of the mid September air. Once I am strapped in, I double check Lily's. The corners of my lips twitch remembering the time she was sat in her booster seat, and the buckle came undone and she let out such a high pitched scream that my mother swerved the car slightly with a jump.

My lips morph into a frown when Jayden informs us, "you are to start school this upcoming Monday. Tomorrow we will go through some rules, and the you will have the rest of Sunday to prepare yourselves however you need." Well fuck. This isn't going to go well.



A/N : They start school soon!!

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