18. Cheer

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To say that I was nervous about trying out for the cheer team would be an understatement. Sure, I can dance ballet in a studio alone, but I haven't danced in-front of anybody other than Lu since Ma died.

Jayden said he would look into nearby studios, claiming that he would only allow me to join the best. That thought made my palms sweat. What if everyone there was better than me? Who am I kidding, of course they will be.

I tug on the small skirt and cropped top that makes up the cheer uniform. If this was months earlier, bruises would've been evident all across my pale skin, but fortunately only scars remained. Luckily, the high waistband of the skirt covered the scarred words in her back. The same couldn't be said for the coverage of her legs. It barely reached mid thigh.

"Liliana! Get a move on girl, we're all waiting for ya!" Ciara sang from the other side of the changing room door. Inhaling a deep breath, I unlocked it and walked out.

I was greeted by a giddy redhead. "Oh my gosh! Look at you, you're so fucking hot babe! You're so on the team already." Ciara gushed, causing my face to heat.

"Cee, you haven't even seen my dance ability yet. I could suck ass." I rolled my eyes in false annoyance. "Aren't we late? I thought you came to hurry me along." As if just now remembering, Ciara gripped my covered shoulder and dragged me towards the football field where everyone was waiting. It didn't hurt when she grabbed my clothing covered skin, and I trusted her.

Bright white lights shone down, the sky becoming dimmer as fall began its descent upon the earth. Hungry to rot and devour living things until all life diminished. I thought it was beautiful. The destruction. It was like fire, hungry and unattainable. Hauntingly, devastatingly, gorgeous.

It was like me. Inside my heart. Rotten and corrupt. Hungry. Crazed. Just waiting for summer to be over so it could swoop in and kill.

I joined the line of girls, all of us in identical uniforms and varying emotions displayed on our faces. Many, including mine, were shrouded with nerves, but a few seemed prepared...almost cocky. Shit, I was so not making the team.

The lights shone directly into my eyes as she glanced towards the bleachers. I could just make out the silhouette of a few onlookers, most here to support the girls trying out. I tried to ignore the pang I felt in my chest when I couldn't find Lu, or Dalton, in the crowd anywhere. Just as I was about to give up looking, two tall frames emerged from the side of the bleachers, making their way to the closest bench.

I couldn't help the wide smile that spread on my face. They came.

I took a minute to look them over, a habit I picked up to check Lu was unharmed when we lived with Daniel. He always was, and nobody would ever be able to understand the happiness I felt that Daniel left Lu unharmed. Untainted.

Lu surveyed the row of girls, taking in their faces until he finally landed his eyes on me. He mirrored my smile, raising his thumbs in the air to let her know 'she got this'. But his smile slipped as soon as he took in what I was wearing.

Dalton ran a hand through his messy locks, then used his thumb to wipe the corner of his mouth which morphed into a smirk. His eyes shamelessly roamed my body and I sent a wink his way. This caused him to bark out a laugh and lean in to whisper something into Lu's ear.

Lu stepped back, looking offended. He then glanced between me and my idiot of a best friend before he shoved Dalton and stalked off in a tantrum towards the bench. I let out a quiet giggle as Dalton winked back and plonked himself beside my brother.

I was the last in the line to tryout, and the minutes seemed to drag on. A lean blonde with thick lips and to die for curves was the last one before me. She absolutely killed it, which only made my nerves skyrocket. What if I fell flat on my ass in-front of all these people? Ah fuck.

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