26. Date

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I am shitting it.

What if she hates it? What if I make a fool of myself? What if she never speaks to me again?

God, get a grip of yourself man. It will be fine. I've never worried about anything like this before. I've never done anything like this for a girl before.

But she's worth it. One hundred times over, she's worth it all.

I stand by the door, my foot tapping the floor in both impatience and nerves. I look down at my watch. She's five minutes late.

"Lorenzo?" A gentle voice speaks with uncertainty, and as I  turn my head, I stop breathing.

There she is, walking carefully down the stairs, holding her hands in-front of her. "I'm sorry I took so long, I couldn't find my favourite ring." She says sheepishly, fiddling with her fingers.

She won't look directly at me, and I feel myself smirk. "Are you nervous, hermosa?" I ask as I place my index finger below her chin, lifting it up so I can see those breathtaking eyes I love so much.

Wait, what?

She narrows her eyes at me, placing a ring covered hand on her hip which draws my eyes attention. She's wearing a long sleeved graphic tee, which is tucked into her ripped blue Mom jeans. Beneath them are these tights, but they are like spiderweb style. She looks so damn hot.

"Are we going to go, or are you going to keep staring at the hole over my knee like a weirdo?" She questions, and my eyes snap back up to that mouth of hers.

I bite my bottom lip, letting my eyes roam over her body one last time before I reach out my hand. Holding my hand open, "come on, let's go. You look gorgeous, what's a man to do when something so breathtaking stands in front of him." I shrug.

Her cheeks burn pink, and my smirk grows even wider. "You don't look too bad yourself. You're still a culo though." {ass}

My eyes widen, "you're learning Spanish?" This causes her to let a small mischievous smile grow on her face. She nods, "yeah. But only the most important words. They're the ones to describe you, after all"

"Yeah? Like what," I intertwine our fingers, carefully pulling her down the last step to be closer to me. Using my free hand I brush a strand of hair from her soft face, giving a better view of her cute little smirk.

"Oh you know: gran mierda, idiota tonto, cara a tope. Those are just my favourites." {big shit, dumb idiot, butt head}

Damn if hearing her speak my language doesn't turn me on. Even when she's insulting me, and my head. Just hearing her voice is enough to send me spinning in an uncontrollable spiral with nothing to stop the descent. And I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even want to stop it, even if I could. What's happening to me?

I shake my head, failing to suppress my own smile her lit face creates. "Come," I pull her towards the car. Once I've opened the door and she sits, I reluctantly release her hand and make my way to the drivers side.

"Where are we going?" She's watching me as I pull out of the drive and onto the road.

"Some place." I glance at her, just in time to see her roll her eyes at me before she turns to face out of the window with a huff.

We're silent for a few minutes, the low hum of the radio creating a comfortable aura. Without warning, she lets out a squeal and turns the sound up.

"I don't really give a damn about the way you touch me, when we're alone!" She sang along to the music, a bright smile on her face with her eyes squeezed shut as she waved her hands around.

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