Step 4 and 5 Completed

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(Alexander's POV)

I never thought I would wake up in the hospital after being shot. Since who expects to be shot except the people where it is expected in their line of work? Even with becoming the richest person in the world with all the safety risks that entails, I always expected my bodyguards to jump in front of the bullet not that I would be the one jumping. However, I wouldn't change what happened because of what occurred after I woke up. 

The weight of something on my hand is what drew me out of unconsciousness. At first, I was disoriented and couldn't fully process where I was and what was on my hand. Also, why is my entire body aching? After a minute I remember what happened and my vision clears enough that I could tell that I was in a hospital room and the weight on my hand was Mia's bandaged head. 

Just seeing that she is alive and relatively unharmed is the answer to all my prayers. While I would have preferred not to have gotten shot, at least I can better cope with everything as a result of knowing that my actions are the reason Mia is still breathing today.

Before I can draw Mia's attention to me being awake, she started to break down and rant. 

She loudly says-I need you to wake up! So I can scream at you for risking your life for me. I know you are probably going to say that you couldn't live with yourself if something happen to me. But did you ever think that I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you. Especially if something happened to you because of me!

She rants further-I need you to wake up so I can tell you how much I am in love with you! That I forgive you for what happened seven years ago. Before you think, oh she is only saying that because I saved your life or the concussion, ask Sarah or even Nakimera. I told them I was going to tell you on New Year's Eve that I forgive you. That I do not want to waste any more time without you. As long as you agreed to a few conditions I was fully prepared to be yours again.

(In my head)-Success! She finally admits it! Which means Step 4 of Project MUFLTACMBOAFA is complete! It took a few months and jumping in front of a bullet for her to say she loves and forgives me. Does her saying this even count if she believes I am unconscious? Oh well, who cares? I am counting it. While I would have rather gone the route of her waiting until New Year's Eve to tell me that without getting shot, after being shot it truly hones in on the sentiment to make the most of every day since you never know when it is your last. Moving forward I am going to live by that sentiment and really focus on my relationships. The first relationship I am going to start applying this with is Mia since no matter the conditions she applies for us to be in a relationship I am going to agree so we won't have to waste any more time. Thinking about relationships, brings me to loving that Nakimera and Mia are starting to have a solid friendship to where they are exchanging secrets. However, I am still going to have to make a mental reminder to tickle Nakimera the next time I am able to for keeping this big of a secret from me. 

Her rants turn to prayer-Please God, bring him back to me. I need the man I love. The man who was so determined to be my friend not caring about my disabilities. A man so filled with determination he schemed this outrageous and ridiculously named plan to win me back. This man right here who fights with everything he has for the ones he loves. So it is my turn to fight for him. So I am begging you God, please bring him back to me. I cannot lose any more time with the man I love. I love you, Alexander Dimitri Wilson!

Her last words are the prefect cue to show her that I am awake by saying-I love you, Mia Jade Davis.

Immediately, her head shoots up and she says-How long have you been awake? Are you in pain?

Trying to keep the conversation light I try to smirk at her before saying-For a man who has been shot multiple times and is still breathing, I can say I am better than expected. The hospital gave me the heavy pain medication so right now I am in minimal to medium pain. As for how long I have been awake, since you put your head down on my hand. My biggest concern is wondering how you are doing.

She calmly informs him-I have a concussion and severe bruising from the slam to the floor. The doctors say I should be fully recovered in a few weeks. They are only keeping me here under observation due to the concussion. Probably soon they will release me.

While I gave her a full body scan to see if I can spot any visible bruises, I notice her body language folds a little into herself in embarrassment as she sheepishly asks-So you heard my whole rant?

(In his head)-She has nothing to be embarrassed about. These are stressful circumstances. If I were in her shoes my rants would be laced with profanity and items throwing. Her rant was an adorable display of love, passion, and strength. 

Trying to show her I am proud of her display I try to smile and say-The whole rant. Scream away at me if you need too. But Mia, I will jump in front of a bullet for you again and again if I have too. I rather you live with the guilt, which you shouldn't have any since I willingly choose to leap in front of you, then you severely hurt or worse dead.

He continues-As for your conditions, even without hearing them I accept. I will do anything for you to be mine again.

Still trying to smile and crack a joke I say-Don't knock the plan. So far it is working. Since I just completed step 5 on Project MUFLTACMBOAFA. Due to my agreement to your conditions, you are my girlfriend again.

She remarks-You haven't even heard what the conditions are.

He demands-Then tell me.

For a minute, she gathers herself with a deep breath before saying-We will need to have a conversation when we get out of the hospital, but a few of them include couple and individual therapy, and no secrets.

He actually smiles and says-Deal. So can we seal the deal with a kiss.

Reflecting the joy I feel, Mia begins to laugh as she moves forward and gives me a kiss seven years in the making.

During the kiss, it felt like the world was realigning and everything was going to be alright. It was slow but full of warmth and love.

When we parted, I joked-It is a Christmas miracle. Your love is one of the best gifts I will ever receive. I love you, Mia.

Beaming she replies-One of the best Christmases ever. Having you here with me is the best gift I have ever received. Furthermore, I am never going to take it for granted again. I love you, Alexander.

(In his head)-I am also never going to take you for granted again. No one will get in my way from being with you. Anyone who tries or tries to hurt you will face the wrath of Alexander the Great. 

(Hi Everyone! I want to say thank you for the over 2,000 votes! I really appreciate it. To show my appreciation, I am going to update after midnight on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Those are pretty much all the pre-written chapters I have so afterwards it might be awhile before I post.)

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