Despise and Pity

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(Alexander's POV)

When Philip finishes his story, I open my mouth to respond-I do despise you. However, surprisingly your story also has me pitying you. 

Not expecting that I would say that, his face turns to complete shock before he says-You pity me?

Smirking I respond-Yes. Since you have never experienced the power of romantic love.  Every relationship in your life is about duty. How you are obligated to care for them. Never truly a choice. Even with you choosing your wife that was more duty bound than emotionally bound. No one in your life has chosen to love you and you them. For that I pity you. Maybe that is why you can never truly comprehend the depth and sincerity of my feelings towards Mia.

As a result of your choice to bring her into this world, you are obligated to care for Mia. Would you have cared for her if you weren't her parent but someone you met randomly? If you weren't her parent would you be able to see past her disabilities and look into her core and see who she truly is?

It should be noted that I do not want Mia to know this, but I already knew of her before the first day of freshman year. Your family was on the front page of a newspaper attending a charity gala. My father was reading the paper at breakfast when I asked my father for his copy. For some strange reason I felt drawn to her. From the picture, she looked different from the rich girl stereotype and especially when the newspaper mentioned her disabilities it sparked my curiosity about what she was truly like. The reason that I did not want her to know that I knew about her beforehand is I did not want her to think that I wanted to get close to her because of her family or her wealth. In reality, I wanted to get close to her because of who she was as a person. Since when we met on the first day, it was love at first sight. I did not see her disabilities or her last name. I saw her. A kind girl who has been hurt by others but would do anything in her power to ensure others were not hurt. 

She was adamant that we talk as little as possible to save my social standing. She thought that my being seen with the supposed disabled freak would lower my social standing. Also, she advised me to not speak of being from public school in fear of me being ridiculed. On top of all this, she was willing to do all the work on our English projects and give me credit. Just this first meeting showed me her kind, protective, and giving nature. 

I was awestruck that someone could be so genuinely kind and strong. Clearly, the words and actions of our classmates hurt her, but she would never say a single mean word back and if the bullies needed help she would help them. 

I can go on indefinitely on all the reasons why I love her. When you chose to love someone you even come to love all their faults. You love them for who they are. You do not ask them to change unless it is completely necessary for their well-being. 

Your parents emphasized duty for the company over personal happiness. My parents emphasized personal happiness over material well-being. We might have been poor, but our home was full of love. We had everything we needed. Not necessarily what we wanted at the time without working for it, but we were content on where we were in life. 

Nevertheless, I knew when falling in love with a rich girl with complex medical issues I needed to step up the ladder of material wealth than my parents. So I can provide for her and my family. Also, I wanted to return the blessings and opportunities my parents gave me by coming to the United States with my parents to show my appreciation. 

If you truly understood this, you would never have worried about me taking advantage of Mia. You would have understood that taking care of and providing for Mia is not an obligation but a privilege. 

I pity you for only seeing people for what advantages they could bring you or the disadvantages you must conceal and limit as much as possible. 

Which brings me to why I despise you. I despise you for what you have done to mine and Mia's relationship. I downright loathe you for using my relationship with Mia to your advantage in finding her other suitors and your contingency plans involving my parents. 

Honestly, I believed you couldn't have gone lower than breaking your own daughter's heart. Now, I know you can actually go lower. My parents! You would subject my parents to a potentially unspeakable future, just so you can sell your daughter to the highest bidder!

Philip says in outrage-I would never sell her! Clearly, you have formed this image in your head that we would have put her on the auction floor and whoever had the highest bid wins. In reality, once we had all the eligible suitors for the arranged marriage, we would organize meetings to see which one she clicked with the best and whichever suitor that was would be the one we arranged the marriage contract with. 

I retort-It is practically the same! With wealthy men putting in offers and whoever had the best offer would have won her hand. As you have shown little regard for her personal happiness and choice, I believe you would have shown the same attitude towards her being able to choose which suitor out of the lot you picked.

I ask-Enlighten me. If we instead met a decade down the line with me being a wealthy doctor, would you still have refused me her hand? Being a doctor would have given me connections with my patients. So you cannot use the connections excuse.

The real question I am asking is-Would you still refuse your daughter her happiness just because the profile of the man she chooses was not the man you wanted for her?

He retorts-I am not going into that with you as all of this is just irrelevant. Since I am not going down the line of imaginary scenarios of what I would and would not have done with the different options given.

I smirk-You just answered my question. 

Smiling I say-Your response makes my future revenge all the more sweeter. On graduation day, I promised you that I would one day make you pay for all the pain you caused. The clock is ticking near your reckoning. I, for one, am looking forward to it. Now leave this room before I call security. 

He opens his mouth to speak, but shuts it and angrily storms out the door slamming it on his way out.

(Hi Everyone! I hope you like the update. This is the last chapter I will be posting for awhile. I need to spend my time looking for a job to pay my student loans. Once I find a job and get situated, I will update).

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