Individual Therapy Sessions Part Two

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(Alexander's POV)

Dr. Leo claps his hands and says-Now that you have a little background knowledge of myself, let's move forward. 

Dr. Leo states-Your name is Alexander Dimitri Wilson. Born on January 12, 1992 to Maxim and Sofia Wilson. In readiness for a potential child, Maxim and Sofia immigrated from Russia to the United States for them to have a chance at a better life. Since Maxim was a machinist and Sofia was a school secretary you grew up in a poor working class family. 

Dr. Leo asks-How would you describe your experience of growing up the only son of Russian immigrants?

Slightly curious about why Dr. Leo is starting with this, he asks-Why are you asking this? 

Informing him, Dr. Leo says-To understand who you are and why you do things, you need to start at the beginning. In your case, we need to understand the consequences of events that happened before your arrival. 

Dr. Leo explains-Speaking from my own experience as the only son of Russian immigrants I know the pressures your parents can put on you to succeed. Also, the discrimination we face due to where our families come from. 

He answers-Similarly to the majority of other parents, they push their child to do their best. Fortunately, my parents emphasized personal happiness over material well-being. Notably, they have always actively encouraged me to find what makes me happiest and follow that path. Ultimately, I decided on my own accord to push myself to succeed in order to repay them for the sacrifices they made for me. 

He continues-Growing up, I also saw how difficult it was for my parents to be immigrants from Russia. The discrimination they faced. Even though I was a native American citizen and had an Americanized name, I also faced discrimination for being their son. 

Dr. Leo counters-Due to this, did you feel a need to prove yourself?

He smirks-I can discern where you are going with this. Clearly, you are going to connect this to what is happening with Mia's parents.

Dr. Leo replies-What if I was trying to connect it to more than just your relationship with Mia's parents?

Dr. Leo elucidates-The purpose of my question is to arrive at the root of nature versus nurture, which impacts who you are and who you come to be.

Explaining further Dr. Leo says-By all accounts, it seems like you had a pleasant childhood with loving parents. However, there could be biological factors and hidden generational trauma that you haven't foreseen shape a part of who you are. Also, how your environment shapes a part of who you are. Additionally, this includes the people you have met. 

Dr. Leo finishes-Sometimes it takes being in therapy and having to be introspective for people to realize their is actually deeper meaning behind their actions. Obviously, that won't always be the case for every action, but for the vast majority of them. Fundamentally, as humans we are complex beings. With this in mind, we must always strive to find the reasoning, even if it different for each person. 

Retorting he says-Humans being complex is an understatement. 

Dr. Leo states-Undoubtedly, it is difficult to open yourself up to this inward examination, especially with someone you just met. However, in time together hopefully we can form some form of understanding to lessen the complexity.

Redirecting the conversation, Dr. Leo says-Once again, do you feel a need to prove yourself?

Dr. Leo says-Admittedly, while the need to prove yourself is universal. Generally, it is more prevalent in communities where they have faced discrimination. Many children of immigrants grow up being pushed towards high-paying fields like law, medicine, and business. Even if your parents did not actively push you towards those paths, they could have indirectly influenced you. 

Dr Leo states-I know that you entered business because of Mia's family. Nevertheless, I have read in an interview that you would have chosen medicine given your own choice.

Explaining he says-Obviously, I changed my career to prove myself to Mia's family. Essentially, my reasoning was that I know people do jobs that they are not passionate about for their families or to create a better life for themselves. Furthermore, the reason why I wanted to do medicine is I like helping people. I can do that with business and a few of my businesses are medical so I am able to fulfill that passion in a different way. 

Dr Leo remarks-So you have no regrets about how you did things? Due to your relationship with Mia, you have made many changes. Your religion, your career, and I fear a part of who you are. 

Dr. Leo continues-During our sessions, we will focus on your need to prove yourself to your doubters. However, the one pressing need that I feel is pivotal to your development and your subsequent actions is your need to prove yourself to Mia. 

Dr. Leo explains-Clearly, Mia is one of the few people who will not judge you for who you are. Indeed, she loves you regardless of who you are. So you felt a need to prove yourself deserving of that love. So you changed and put all your energy into proving that to her. First, to her family that you are worthy of providing for her. Second, to her when you followed Mr. Davis's ultimatum and broke her heart. So you put everything into making Wilson International where it is today to prove to her that the time apart wasn't for nothing. Third, your high-handed scheme that is playing out right now with her parents. On one hand, some may deem it a way of punishing them for doubting you. On the other hand, some may also consider it a way of punishing them for how they treated her. 

Dr. Leo finishes-My concern is that you spent all this time and energy proving to her that you neglected yourself. That someday you will wake up with regrets and blame Mia and yourself. 

Responding he says-Do I have regrets about how I have done things? Yes, I readily admit that I have regrets for how I have done things like every person has. If given the choice, would I choose differently? My answer would be that it depends on what the situation is. Undoubtedly, the one choice I made in falling in love with Mia is one I will never regret. 

He continues-You might be right that while Mia has offered me unconditional love, I feel the need to prove myself worthy of it. I also feel the need to prove myself to my parents and the doubters. 

He replies-Admittedly, perhaps there are obscure nature and nurture factors that shape who I am and why I act a certain way. Hopefully we can unpack them so I can understand myself better and change what I can change. So one day, I will not look at myself in the mirror or look at Mia and have regrets.

(Hi Everyone. I hope you all like the chapter. It is officially after midnight on my birthday and this is my gift to all of you. Unfortunately, my family is dealing with issues so I do not know when the next update is going to be. The next update will focus on Mia's individual therapy session.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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