Bringing Love Back Into The Conversation

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Today this book has gotten 1,000 views. I am so thankful for each one of you for reading this story. 

I am probably only going to do this when my books get special number views like 500, 1000, etc. But if you are liking this check out my other stories called: A Girl Who Is Destined To Be A Mate and Invisible Mate.

(Mia's POV)

Last sentence of last chapter-Alexander says with a smile-Project Make Up For Lost Time And Claim Mia Back Once And For All. Project MUFLTACMBOAFA for short.

Mia-Are you serious? 

Alexander with a smirk-Very.

Mia in exasperation-I thought we agreed to only talk about the school project and not our once love life.

Alexander-I agreed to only talk about the school project during our scheduled time. As I am paying a lot of money to have this dinner with you, I want to make it worth my while. I asked you to be my dinner date. Usually on dinner dates people talk about romantic topics and make romantic gestures. I will respect your boundaries of no romantic gestures, but I should be allowed to talk romantic topics seeing as how I am paying for a boy's education, food, housing, and his mother's medical treatments.

Mia in anger at this situation-Fine, but there are rules. 

Alexander laughs-Let's hear it.

Mia-Number 1-No romantic gestures. You said you would respect my boundaries, but knowing you, I can tell you are thinking of ways around it.

Number 2-If I don't like where the topic is going you will change the subject.

Alexander laughs-Is that it? So far, I agree to both rules.

Mia huffs-Yes, for now. Fine tell me what Project Make Up For Lost Time And Claim Mia Back Once And For All is? By the way, you couldn't come up with a shorter and better name.

Alexander-You need a long name for a long-term goal. Since I want this to last forever it needed a long name to suit its purposes. Project MUFLTACMBOAFA is a multiple step process.

Mia-Do tell.

Alexander-Step 1-Go to college, convert to Catholicism, build connections, and build an empire.

Step 2-Make my empire the biggest and wealthiest in the world.

Step 3-Integrate myself back into Mia's life.

Step 4-Make Mia realize she still loves me.

Step 5-Make Mia my girlfriend again. Shower her in my love and affections. Provide her with everything her heart desires.

Step 6-After sometime dating propose to Mia. Make sure it is very romantic and everything she dreamed it would be.

Step 7-Claim Mia as my wife. Make sure our wedding is the wedding of the century. During the wedding night claim Mia in every way. I will be gentle and make sure to give you the highest pleasure and comfort.

Step 8-After sometime make Mia the mother of my children. Make sure our children and Mia are provided for fully and have everything their hearts desires.

Step 9-Make Philip Davis pay for separating us and making an enemy out of me.

Step 10- Live happily ever after with Mia and our family.

Mia in shock-You really thought it all out didn't you?

Alexander laughs-I even have it written down and hanged in my bedroom and office.

Mia laughs-Problem is steps 4-10 won't ever happen.

Alexander-Don't say words you don't mean. Mia you still love me. Maybe its buried deep down because of the hurt I had to cause you, but it is still there. I just need to make you realize it. So my question for you is when did you realize you first loved me?

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