The Maid's Story

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The last sentence of last chapter-Knowing it is in her best interest not to argue and try to gain strength, Mia loses the battle to stay awake and quickly falls into a sickly sleep.

(Mia's POV)

After a few hours napping, her sleep is disturbed when her room door opens. A middle aged white woman comes into the room carrying a tray.

The middle aged white woman walks up to her bed and stops and opens her mouth to speak-Hello Madam, I am Megan, Mr. Wilson's head maid. During your stay here, he has put me in charge of taking care of your needs. I have brought with me your medicines that the doctor prescribed and some home solutions like Vicks. 

Megan hands Mia the medicines from the tray and Mia takes the medicine with the bottle of water Megan provided her with.

After taking her medicines, Mia addresses the maid-Thank you for bringing me my medicines. I should also thank you for changing me out of my sick clothes. I do not hold it against you, since you were just following Alexander's orders.

Megan laughs-Your welcome, dear. It was no problem, we just wanted you to get better as soon as possible. Besides, you should have seen Alexander try to rationalize having me undress you because of your opinion and mine. 

Mia shocked at how freely Megan is talking about Alexander questions-Might I ask how long you have worked here and how you came into his employment? I am curious because of how freely you talk about Alexander. 

Megan smiles-My husband, who is the head butler Harrison, and I have been here practically since the beginning. Furthermore, we are actually his first "employees," but we are more like friends who work for him. I can tell you the story, dear, if you let me bring you a light dinner, and I will explain while you are eating. Alexander right now is in a business call and instructed me to make sure you have everything you need and that you have eaten at least something. 

Mia curiosity is peaked so quickly agrees to a light meal. 

Megan-I will be right back with it. I had the chef cook it while I brought up your medicines.

Megan leaves the room for five minutes and comes back with a small bowl of macaroni and cheese (which is more soupy than cheesy).

Megan-Alexander informed the chef about your tongue disorder and your issues with food. Hopefully the chef made it the way you like it. 

Mia smiles-Its perfect. I could never eat regular macaroni and cheese because it is usually too thick and my tongue does not like that texture. My mother decided one day that every kid should enjoy macaroni and cheese, so experimented and made it more soupy than cheesy and it was a success. Now I am upholding my end of the bargain and eating, please tell me the story.

Megan gestures to the chair in the room-May I sit down while I tell the story since it is quite long? Before I begin, I ask that you do not interrupt until the end. Hopefully all questions will be answered in the end.

Mia quickly agrees-Go right ahead. Make yourself at home. What you ask might be hard, but I will try to keep myself from interrupting.

Megan sits down in the chair and opens her mouth to tell the story-We met Alexander on a Tuesday morning in June at a bar called Woodlawn Tap near the University of Chicago Booth. Alexander would have just finished his sophomore year. That day in particular was very dark for the both of us, which is why we both decided to enter that bar that morning to drink our sorrows away.

The reason why Alexander was drinking that day was because it was the anniversary of your break up. Normally, since the split, Alexander is working his behind off trying to study, create connections, and find the fastest way possible to have his business empire so he can get back to you as soon as possible. However, Alexander said he will let himself have a few days a year where he will let himself truly feel the pain of the broken relationship and the guilt he felt with the pain he caused you. Those days were the anniversary of the breakup, anniversary of the day you met, the anniversary of the day your romantic relationship started, New Year's since it meant a new year without you in it, and your birthday. Also, he was drinking because he just got one of his final exam grades back in his hardest class and he failed the final exam. He was so distraught since he felt he was failing you and by doing so making your separation longer than it has to be.

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