The Father's Story

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(Alexander's POV)

Philip starts his story by saying-The Davis's have always been a middle-upper class family. Each generation slowly built up the family success and wealth. My father was the one to firmly enter us into the upper class. His parents ensured he went to the best private school they could afford so he could build connections to help elevate the family status once he became an adult. While going to private school certainly helped build connections, what gave him his most prominent connections was joining the armed forces in World War II and becoming a high ranking officer. His fellow brothers in arms vowed to help build each other up once the war was over. A few years after the war ended, he created Davis International.

During the early years of Davis International, there were questions on rather the company can survive. His personal wealth and the couple of connections he had can only go so far. Making new connections was essential in ensuring the longevity of the company. This leads to his marriage. Originally, he planned to marry a daughter of one of his fellow brother in arms and business partners whom he cared deeply for. This pairing would slightly elevate the family status. However, before the nuptials he was given a better offer. 

Daniella Ford was the only child of Charles Ford, who was one of the leading and wealthiest businessmen in Chicago. Each morning before work my father would walk in the park across from Davis International. On his walks he would pass by Daniella who quickly became infatuated with him. After arranging a meeting with him at a dinner party, her infatuated with him increased considerably. Immediately, she went to her father begging him to arrange the match. Originally, her father hoped to pair her with a son of his business partner since he had no sons to run the company after he is gone. However, he was a devoted father so decided to consider the match. As my father was making an acceptable name for himself and had enough money to ensure she lived comfortably, maybe not to the extent she was living now but still adequate, he decided to arrange the match on one condition. That after they wed, my father combines their two companies which will elevate Davis International. Soon after, Charles approached my father with the offer. He decided to accept the match because he knew he could only go so far with his name but with the name and support of Charles Ford behind him he knew that Davis International will go to new heights. Which means his family will be taken care of for generations. 

My father grew to care for my mother eventually. However, he never fell in love with her. My mother accepted it as the price of being with him. She can have his fondness but never his love. Nevertheless, while their marriage was not full of passion it was full of trust and understanding. They both understood that their match ensured the success of their companies and their offspring. This ideology of family and company over personal happiness was passed on to their only child: me. 

Growing up, I was raised to find a woman who can ensure the success of the company and bring new connections. Amber Carlton was the perfect candidate. She comes from the Carlton Hotel family empire. We met at a dinner party. Upon entering the party, my focus was on her. She had a way about her that drew people in. The way she could get people who had no intention on conversation with her laughing and talking in a matter of minutes. How she was able to get her opponents to see her point of view and agree. After witnessing that, I knew that I had to have her at my side. 

This might seem like I fell in love with her, however I did not. In the time spent together I have grown fond of her, but not in love. The feelings have been mutual. She did not marry me for love either. Growing up, she was accustomed to a certain level of wealth and luxury. As a daughter she knew she would not inherit the business and the fortune that entailed. So she knew she had to marry well to keep up her lifestyle and appearances. So I was the perfect candidate for her. 

After a short time together we got engaged. A year later we threw the biggest wedding the people in the high society saw that year. Four years later we tried to conceive an heir. We struggled for a while. When we lost hope, we were shortly blessed with a positive pregnancy test. 

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