The Reckoning

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On New Year's Eve while the vast majority of the world is celebrating the holiday, Dean opens up the highly secretive Step 9 folder and gets to work.

Around the world, their holiday plans are disrupted as people receive the long awaited phone call.

Shortly thereafter, journalists start receiving hints that a major news story is about to occur.

As for the Davis's, they and their circle of influence is oblivious to what is occurring. While they are toasting the success of the new year and their upcoming plans they have no clue that for the foreseeable future they will be following a different person's plans.

(Alexander's POV)

The anticipation of the confrontation that will no doubt occur once Philip Davis receives the news keeps him wide awake.

After finding the will to let Mia leave his arms at one in the morning so she could leave and obtain a couple of hours of rest, he made the call to Dean to ensure everything was ready to proceed. On the call, Dean confirmed that everything should run smoothly and he is not anticipating any problems.

With everything completed all he has left to do is wait. While waiting he spent the time reflecting on the Davis's especially Mia and wondering what their reaction would be. In his mind he imagined that Philip would be enraged with anger, Amber's would be a ball of despair, and Mia might be extremely annoyed until he explained everything.

While thinking about Mia he wonders if he is making a mistake not telling her before he puts the plan into action. The reason he did not tell her is since he is conscious of the fact that due to her kind heart if she had any inkling of what was about to occur she would worry needlessly and feel guilt for what he is about to do. Once she sees with her own eyes that her parents will be alright and hopefully in the end learned the lesson about how to treat people she will hopefully be accepting of the situation. Since he is doing this not just for revenge on the hurt they caused them, but as a lesson on how to treat people different from them. Ultimately, he believes they need to learn this lesson especially before any grandchildren come along.

Knowing that as soon as Philip heard the news he will come here immediately, he has instructed Harrison to let in Philip right away. However, to let him sweat it out for a few minutes and hopefully reflect on how he is barging in and supposedly waking the man recovering from being shot for his daughter before summoning him.

A few hours later, his security cameras picked up Philip on the feed heading to the gate for entrance. After his security guards allow him entrance, Philip angrily marches to the front door. Upon reaching the door, Philips rings the door bell and due to his aggravated state bangs his hand repeatedly on the door. Clearly, he doesn't care what time it is and expects to be to be seen and heard this instant.

After a minute, Harrison opens the door and Philip doesn't wait for permission before entering. Since he shoves Harrison out of the way and shouts for Alexander to come out and face him like a man.

Trying to calm Philip down, Harrison informs him that Alexander is still recovering from being shot so he cannot walk on his own. He also is on a high amount of pain killers so he is supposed to be resting.

This makes Philip give a slight pause before he orders him to bring Alexander to him as it is urgent.

While not pleased at Philip giving him orders, he complies but follows Alexander's instructions and takes the long way to retrieve Alexander. Let him stand in anguish for a few minutes. Undoubtedly, it is a minuscule sliver of the pain he has put others through.

Eventually, Harrison comes and wheels me into the room where Philip is pacing around.

As soon as he sees me, Philip shouts while maniacally waving a newspaper-WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?

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