Twenty Questions Part Two

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Alexander smirks-Really, one day it was on television an episode from the first season. At the time, I could particularly relate with what Oliver was experiencing. Trying to reconnect with people, trying to protect the ones you love, and trying to fix the mistakes of the past.

(Alexander's POV)

(In his head)-I will be similar to Oliver, I will fix the mistakes of my past and make up for lost time.

Mia smiles-I did notice a few similarities between you and Oliver, but personality wise, you two are vastly different. He is all brooding and stoic, at least you show your emotions and smile. 

Mia continues-My turn for the next question. What is your favorite sport?

Not expecting that question he responds-I am surprised you asked that question since you genuinely weren't into sports as a result of having your tumors.

Mia huffs-While I can't truly participate in sports, I can enjoy watching people play or I can partake in the sports occasionally if  I am willing to endure the pain.

He answers her question-I must say my favorite sport is baseball. Most of my fraternity brothers were White Sox fans, so while I was trying to build connections with them we would watch the games.

Mia smirks-I asked this question since it went with your response for the last question. My favorite sport is archery. My university had a archery club, which I always wanted to join since freshman year, however, they always had their meetings when I was in class or my education clinicals, that is until my senior year. Once I noticed that they were meeting when I was free, I decided to give it a try. I truly enjoyed it. I actually hit the bullseye a couple of times and was mostly hitting the target instead of the wall. In the beginning, there was a large amount of pain for a day or two, but eventually with practice and building muscle and being in proper form led me to being in pain for only a few hours. 

Shocked by her answer he says-I am shocked that you actually tried archery. Maybe one day, we should visit an archery place. 

Smirking he says-You could even be my teacher, since I hear you are an extraordinary teacher. Maybe we can even recreate the scene from The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement where Princess Mia and Nicolas were practicing archery. 

Mia blushes-Maybe we can do that one day. I am surprised you remembered that movie and scene. 

He replies-Why would I forget it? It is about a man pursuing a beautiful Mia. I can relate to him. 

Ignoring his comment, Mia moves on-It is your turn to ask the question.

Alexander-What is your favorite animal?

Mia-My favorite animal would be a duck. When they are babies they are yellow, which is my favorite color and they are adorable.

Alexander-For me, my favorite animal would probably be a lion. Since to me they look strong and majestic and look ready to always protect their families.

Mia-What bible story did you tell at your confirmation hearing?

Shocked by her question, he said-What?

Mia-When I was in the process of being confirmed into the Catholic church, the pastor asked me and all the others in my year group during the confirmation hearing, what our favorite bible story was.

Thinking deeply before responding, he says-Adam and Eve. I know the story is controversial, but I love how God seeing Adam lonely decided to give him someone to love and care for. What about you?

Mia laughs-I already repented for this when I was older, but my choice has a funnier meaning. When I was a child and hated reading as a result of my speech problem, I would never read the children's bible stories composition book that my parents brought me. However, I would use the book as a slide due to how slippery it was. When I was forced to read the book, I remember enjoying the Joseph with his coat. 

Switching gears to more serious leading questions, asks-Besides Sarah, do you have any other close friends?

Mia frowns-While besides you I was a loner in high school, that changed when I went to college and the workforce. To answer your question, Sarah is my closest best friend. I had friends in college from other classes and my educational cohort that I still remain in semi-contact with. At St. Ignatius College Prep, I am close with my whole history department and I have friends in other departments. I am probably closest with Mr. Koller since he was my favorite teacher and now my faculty mentor. He is the one who takes over my classes on Monday's when I am at Wilson International.  

He smirks-At least I do not need to be jealous of him. He is what? Almost twenty years our senior.  I am glad he is your faculty mentor and taking care of your classes since I remember he was the only one who did not treat you differently due to your disabilities and advocated for you to be in more advance placement classes.

He moves on to himself-Besides Megan and Harrison, I did not have any close friends in college, only connections. Probably the only connection who is more like a friend is a person named Dean. He is my current Chief Operations Officer at Wilson International. 

Mia-I am surprised you did not have any female friends besides Megan.

He looks Mia in the eye while saying this-I did not have time nor did I want to have any female friends besides Megan. Furthermore, I tried to avoid all female contact besides family, Megan, and female partners of my acquaintances. Since my only concern was spending all my time and energy devoted to building my empire and creating a better life for us and finally getting to make up for all the lost time with you.

Mia holds his gaze for a moment before moving on-What are two things you regret most in your life?

He frowns while saying-Pass.

(In his head)-I cannot answer that truthfully. The first thing I regret most in my life is leaving and hurting you. The second thing has not happened yet, but will in the future once we are in a relationship again. I regret what I am going to do as payback to your mother and father, especially your father. I regret that this has to happen one day. However, the both of them need to experience the pain they put the both of us through.

(Going to stop it here. It is my 22nd birthday today so I wanted to update as my birthday gift to you. The rest of the questions will be in the longer next chapter and partly on the following one.)

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