Show Me You Are Humble

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(Mia's POV)

After a busy week and weekend finishing up her schoolwork, Mia was ready to tackle Monday's meeting with Alexander head on.

Walking inside Wilson International, Mia steps in front of Sarah Bradley the secretary.

Sarah rises up from her seat as soon as she sees Mia-Ms. Davis, good morning. How are you? Is there anything I can do for you?

Mia already hating having to interact with people like this every Monday says-Good morning, I am good. I am just checking in for my scheduled Monday morning meeting with him.

Sarah-Ms. Davis, you do not have to check in with me or Thomas if you want to see Mr. Wilson. He has instructed us that you have complete access to him. It does not even matter if he is in a meeting. He told us you come first.

Mia in frustration on what exactly did Alexander instruct his employees regarding her-Of course he did. Anyways I should really be taking the elevator now and heading up to the meeting. I do not want to be late.

Sarah hurries her-Of course. We would not want you to be late and loss time with Mr. Wilson. Have a nice meeting Ms. Davis.

After going up the elevators, the doors open and Thomas is there to greet her.

Thomas-Good morning, Ms. Davis. How are you? Is there anything I can do for you?

Mia-Good morning. I am good. No, thank you.

Thomas eagerly says-Okay, if you need anything please let me know. Let's not keep Mr. Wilson waiting then.

After going to the end of the hall, Thomas knocks on Alexander's office door.

Alexander shouts-Come In!

As Mia walks in Alexander looks up from his computer with a big smile on his face as his love is coming towards him.

Alexander quickly dismisses Thomas with a-Leave Thomas!

After Thomas leaves Alexander turns to Mia-Hello, love. How are you? 

Mia wanting to quickly get to work says-Good morning. I am good. How are you?

Alexander smirks-I am very good now that you are here.

Mia shifts gears-We should get started on the project. I have all the student information here. 

Alexander laughs-Okay. Let's get to work. There will be fun time for later. I can guarantee you that.

Mia ignoring that comment, both she and Alexander get to work on how to organize the students with their needs for scholarships and internships.

After a few hours of working Alexander looks up at the clock.

Alexander sternly says-Stop, Mia. We need to break for lunch. We have been going at this for hours. 

Mia not realizing that her stomach is growling says-Okay, so should I come back here after like a half hour or hour?

Alexander not wanting to loss anymore time with Mia says-No. We will have lunch together. That way we can both start again at the same time and not wait for the other. Plus we can talk more about the project at lunch. Usually I would have lunch brought to my office, but I didn't know a right schedule for lunch as this is our first time working together. Anyways I know a great family owned restaurant that is perfect for lunch.

Mia pouts-Please, don't tell me you are taking me to a fancy restaurant.

Alexander indulges her-No, love. While I did earn the lifestyle I live now, I do remember my humble roots. I believe the most expensive item on the menu costs fifteen dollars.

Mia wondering where on earth he is taking her says-So what is the name of the place?

Alexander informs her-The name is Old Vilnius Cafe. The restaurant serves European food, which I grew up eating, and it reminds me of my humble roots and my heritage. 

Mia smiles in rememberance-I remember when your mom would make us her food. Your dad would always try to distract her and sneak a bite and help us out when we tried to sneak a bite.

Alexander laughs-Yes, I remember those good times. My mother would always fake scold us with a smile on her face, which was always quickly wiped off when my father kissed her. I look forward to those days when we have our own family. My mother gave me an earful when I left you. We didn't talk for months after I left you. She is so happy that we are talking again. One day she wants to see you and make up for lost time.

Mia smiles warmly and tries to ignore part of what he is saying-I miss your mom too. Sofia was so nice to me. She was like a second mother to me, I actually liked her better than my own mother. Sofia accepted me for who I am. She never wanted anything from me except my happiness. I regret not keeping in contact with her. Maybe not right now, but one day I would want to see her again. I just don't think I am ready to see your family until we are in a better place.

Alexander smirks-More reason for me to be determined in my quest. As soon as you leave my mother will be at the phone demanding all details. As soon as I tell her what you said she will be demanding I fix us by a certain day so she can plan some big event.

Mia laughs-You get your determination from her, I can say for sure that. Tell her that when I do see her I don't want some big event. I would come to see her as your friend. Not as your romantic partner. 

Alexander smirks-We shall see. Anyways, love lets go get some food.

Soon they walk down the hallway and down the elevator and get off and walk through the lobby. After they eat at Old Vilnius Cafe where Alexander shows his humbleness as he greets and converses with the owner and the family members of the restaurant, while leaving a big tip at the end. By the end of the lunch Mia was starting to see signs of her Alexander Wilson. (Not going to go in details of their lunch since I don't know much about European food).

When they return to Wilson International both are so deep in conversation they don't notice the stares they are getting.

For most of Wilson International employees they are shocked to see Alexander Wilson so carefree and in a presence of a woman. Its the first time they have ever seen him having fun with a girl. When they saw him leave the office the first time, they thought it might be a fling or a friend, but when he returned and the look on his face and how he acted towards her the employees knew who she was. Most know deep in their hearts that the king of their company is finally in the presence of his queen.

Unfortunately, two employees of the company hide their dark looks with their carefully placed mask and their composure. 

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