Finishing Off The Night

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Hello everyone, Sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. I am back in school and this semester has been terrible. I have had two family emergencies, my computer dying and losing all my work, and other personal issues.

I am just updating since my birthday is Sunday and I wanted to write at least one more chapter at 20 before turning 21.

(Mia's POV)

(Last sentence of last chapter)-I knew I had to be smart to win you over. I was adamant then and I am adamant now since I know that you must be in my life.

For a few minutes Alexander and Mia just stared at each other. Breaking up the silence was the manager Cody with their food.

Cody placing the one plate in front of Alexander-Here is the filet mignon med-rare with double fries with absolutely no garnish as ordered Mr. Wilson. I hope it is to your liking.

Cody then places one plate in front of Mia-Here is your filet mignon med-rare with double fries with absolutely no garnish and I made sure of it myself since you were allergic. I hope it is to your liking madam. 

Alexander-Love, please check your food to make sure it is right.

Both of them check the food while Cody heavily sweats in fear of what Alexander would do if his order is wrong.

Mia cuts open her filet mignon and smiles-It is perfect. Just the way I like it. Thank you.

Alexander with a hard stare-It is adequate.

Cody-Is there anything else I can get you or do for you?

Mia-Could you please refill my drink?

Alexander in anger at the service-Mine as well. Also Mr. Smith a word of advice. When having prominent guest eating at your restaurant you should pay more attention to them. No server has come since the beginning to offer us more bread or refill our drinks. I did ask not to be bothered, except when needed. You might want to have your restaurant learn how to serve while being discreet. 

Mia in anger at the rudeness of Alexander-Mr. Smith it is fine. Alexander and I were so deep into conversation we did not even feel the need to call a server for extra bread or refills. I just asked since I prefer to have a full drink before starting my meal. 

Cody in fear of Alexander but he offered a smile to Mia-I am very sorry Mr. Wilson. My team and I will strive to be better. I will get you both your drinks at once. 

Cody leaves and soon as he is out of sight Mia let in on him.

Mia in anger-You did not need to be rude to him. My drink is half empty and the bread we were so engaged in conversation we did not mention it once.

Alexander-Understand this Mia. I am like a king and you are my queen. A king does not wait to be served. I want everything to be perfect for this dinner. Now instead of eating while your food is hot you are waiting for a drink.

Mia in exasperation-You are impossible. I know you are all big and mighty now but remember where you came from. I will get as much enjoyment eating this food a few minutes after being served then being served right away.

Cody comes back to the table with the drinks.

Cody-Here you go. I am sorry for the wait. 

Mia addresses him-Thank you. We are good for now. 

Cody-Please enjoy and let me know if you need anything else.

Mia makes a big deal of cutting her filet and eating a bite and moans-Yummy and just as good as always.

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