Plans Foiled

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Last sentence of last chapter-Alexander-Hello, love.

(Mia's POV)

Mia still in shock says-What are you doing here?

Alexander with a smirk on his face-Did you really think I would let you date someone else?

Mia in disbelief-What happened to Henry?

Alexander-You really know how to choose them. Henry is a great guy. A shy nerd like you. Henry is at his new job. I offered him a full time position at Wilson International with a huge paycheck and amazing benefits. The only catch was that he had to start tonight. He really tried to get out of it. He really did, but I was firm. He finally relented when I told him that because he told me his plans I was craving Cheesecake Factory and I could tell you in person.

Mia in anger-I can't believe you done that. Get it in your head Alexander we are over. I am leaving now since the date I actually wanted to be on never happened.

Mia turns to leave and Alexander reaches out and grabs her arm.

Mia struggling to free her arm-Let me go!

Alexander-Mia, you look absolutely beautiful tonight. We are already here. Lets not waste anymore time. We are at your favorite restaurant, lets eat. Afterwards I drive you home. 

Mia in rebuttal-You already wasted my time tonight. I can always come another day or get take out. I will get my own ride, thank you very much.

Alexander-Blake Meyer.

Mia confused on why he said one of her former students names.

Mia-Excuse me?

Alexander-Blake Meyer, seventeen, going into his senior year, one of your favorite students, great grades with a real chance at an Ivy League, except he is probably going to drop out to work multiple paying jobs and might not get his GED just so he can pay his dying mother medical bills. 

Mia in shock-Wait what! What happened to his mother? I know his father was a police officer sadly killed in duty. 

Alexander-His mother has breast cancer. Luckily for him Wilson International would pay 100% of her treatment and get her top of the line care so he would not be an orphan. Also we will make sure he is fully taken care of and when he goes to college he will not pay a dime as we will cover all of his expenses and give him a stipend. There is a catch to this. You sit down and have dinner with me and let me take you home.

Mia realized that during this whole conversation she was standing the whole time. At least they were in a corner in the back so they had some privately and only a few couples were staring at her further away. She quickly sits down.

Mia-You are something else. By manipulating me with one of my students and their dying mother in order for me to have dinner with you.

Alexander-I will do anything no matter the cost to have you back in my arms where you belong. I know how much you care about each and everyone of your students. I had hoped you would be willing to join me on your accord, but I always have a backup plan.

Mia realized she is trapped. She couldn't let Blake drop out of school, lose his chance at the Ivy Leagues, and maybe become an orphan when she can do something to help. She remembered Mrs. Meyer during their parent teacher conferences how nice she was. Also how strong Mrs. Meyer was during her husband's funeral. The Meyer family already went through enough heartache to go through anymore.

Alexander with his knowing eyes-So are you going to join me for dinner?

Mia in defeat-Unfortunately, yes.

Alexander smiles satisfied-Excellent. Would you want some white bread?

Mia-Yes, thank you.

After a couple of minutes of them eating the free bread and staring at each other Cody the manager comes by their table.

Cody-I hope the bread is to your liking, Mr. Wilson and for your lovely date. 

Alexander grabs her hand possessively at his words-Yes, Mr. Smith. Ms. Davis is lovely, but she is mine. 

Cody in fear-I meant no harm with my words, sir. Just wanted to compliment her. I would never do anything against you.

Alexander-Make sure it stays that way.

Mia just watches in disbelief as Alexander claimed her publicly. She did not want to say anything as to cause a bigger scene, but as soon as Cody leaves she will have some words with Alexander.

Cody-Are you ready to order, sir?

Alexander-Yes. We will both have the filet mignon medium rare with double fries. Absolutely no garnish as my lovely date is allergic. If there is garnish on any of our plates, you do not want to know what I will do.

Cody gulps-I will make sure myself that not a single garnish is near anyone of your plates. I will go put in the orders now.

Cody leaves quickly.

Mia-I cannot believe, actually I can believe you saying I am yours in front of him. He did not mean anything by it by calling me lovely. He was just trying to be nice and sucker up to you.

Alexander-You are mine. I am not going to deny you, even through you choose to deny yourself your rightful place in my life. You are lovely, but only I can comment on your loveliness. He should sucker up to me. I can destroy him if I want to.

Knowing she can't fight him and win Mia drops the subject. 

Mia-If you are going to hold me hostage here at least we can talk about the school project.

Alexander-Not technically holding you hostage here, through one day I might just do that. I don't want to talk about the school project. I want to talk about another project I am working on. 

Mia curious says-What is it?

Alexander says with a smile-Project Make Up For Lost Time And Claim Mia Back Once And For All. Project MUFLTACMBOAFA for short.

(Happy New Years!) 

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