Will You Be My Minion?

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(Mia's POV)

A week after the show of gratitude scheme, I am heading back to Wilson International to work on the student scholarships.

Things have been going smoothly with Alexander this past week after he dropped me off. We text a few times just a couple of friendly pleasantries. So hopefully nothing changes when we are in person today.

After going through the usual greet with Sarah the secretary and Thomas, I head to Alexander's office where I notice he already has the door open for me.

Upon entering the office, I greet Alexander before heading to my desk to start work.

A few hours later, Alexander comes over to my desk.

Alexander-How is it coming along?

Mia-I am working on the Brown twins scholarships right now. Fortunately, they both wish to attend the same university, which made this process easier. I just finished a phone call with Northern Illinois University and after proving that I have written permission by the Brown's to talk to them, I worked out the financials needed to cover their full tuition including housing. 

Alexander nervously smiles-That is wonderful to hear. I was wondering if you would fancy a cupcake?

Taking in his nervousness, she says-What do you need?

Alexander in shock replies-I beg your pardon?

She responds-Usually, you offer me a cupcake when you need me to do something for you, if its not a holiday.

Alexander sheepishly says-Guilty. 

After taking a deep breath he says-I know this is last minute, but just so you know I am asking you this due to the fact that I have been continually prompted by a six year old to do so. It should be noted that I watch Nakimera every Halloween night. Harrison and Megan are older so they do not have the energy to walk numerous blocks with a hype on sugar young child. So we agreed that they would walk a few blocks before I would accompany her a few extra blocks and afterwards I will feed and put to bed the hyped up child. Usually we eat pizza and watch Disney Halloween movies, before I put her to bed. Moreover, this works for everyone since Halloween is one of the rare nights I have free since I close Wilson International early so parents can accompany their kids trick or treating.  

He continues-I obviously told Nakimera about you. Not everything, just what a six year old should know. While she questioned me about you she asked your favorite color,  I replied, yellow. We always do family costumes so she wanted to do Despicable Me. She wanted to be Agnes, me Gru, and you a Minion since yellow is your favorite color. 

He closed his speech-I know you spend every Halloween watching Disney movies as the other Halloween movies are too frightening for you. Consequently, since we will be doing the same and since Nakimera wants to meet you, I am asking you will you be my minion?

Stunned into silence for a minute, I finally respond-We are not dating yet. Wouldn't this be sending mixed signals to her? I also thought she was into fairies and Disney princesses. Wouldn't she rather be that?

Alexander frowns - She knows that we are not together right now and are friends. Also, she knows I hurt you greatly and it is taking time for that wound to heal and for me to regain your trust. Right now, she keeps telling me that all she wants is to be friends since she looks up to you. Also, she wants to discern for herself if your as amazing as I keep telling her. 

He laughs-Since we do family costumes, I do not think I will look good in fairy wings and a tutu. As for Disney princesses, we did Princess Tiana last year. One of her favorite movies is actually Despicable Me. In particular, she loves the part where Agnes says "It's so fluffy, I'm going die!"

She asks - What about Harrison and Megan? What will they be? What will they be doing if you are watching Nakimera?

He responds-Still in the movie theme. Harrison will be Dr. Nefario and Megan will be Gru's mother. As for what they will be doing while I am watching Nakimera, they will be having a date night. Harrison said that they usually have a romantic dinner followed by sometime in the hot tub to help their aching body from the strenuous day, lastly they watch a horror movie they can't watch with Nakimera around before going to bed. Furthermore, they are also extremely tired out usually since they help with the Halloween festival at Nakimera's school during the day.

He bargains-Also, I know the social service club you run at the high school does a trick or treats for canned goods for the Chicago Food Pantry. The blocks we will be hitting will be from wealthy people so you might acquire plenty of cans for the food pantry. Also, I will donate $31,000 dollars to the Chicago Food Pantry if you spend Halloween with me and Nakimera.

He presses-So will you be my minion? Just friends spending Halloween together trick or treating for a worthwhile cause and eating pizza while watching not frightening Disney Halloween movies with a six year old child.

While being in shock I say-You would donate that much for me to spend an evening with you and Nakimera? 

Alexander nods-Yes.

She sternly speaks-This is just friends hanging out while your watching your goddaughter. Obviously, I will not be meeting her as your date, but as your friend. 

Alexander nods-Correct. This is just a low stake fun evening. 

For a minute she is silent before coming to a conclusion. That cupcake better be delicious. If it is I will be your minion. 

Alexander smiles and walks over to his desk to grab a box. 

While handing the box to her he says-Here are Megan's delicious homemade vanilla Halloween cupcakes.

Taking a jack-o-lantern decorated one out and eating a bite I say, These are amazing. I must remember to tell Megan that next time we meet. Ultimately, I am a woman of my word since these are delicious we are on for Halloween. Do not force me to regret this.

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