Mia's Reaction

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(Alexander's POV)

After Philip leaves, he receives word from the bodyguards he employed to protect Mia that the paparazzi and news stations are setting up outside her house. 

Surprisingly, before his bodyguards could move in and arrange for Mia's exit out of the house, the bodyguards Philip hired to protect Mia took control of the situation while letting his bodyguards be backup. 

Apparently, Philip bought the land in a mile radius so that he could install a secret tunnel under Mia's house so if anything happened she could make a quick getaway. To ensure her house could blend in, he built houses around her house which he allowed his most loyal employees to rent at a fair price.

After the bodyguards led her through the tunnel and into a car heading his way, his bodyguards sent him a message to warn him that currently Mia is cranky and in a terrible mood so to be cautious in how he deals with her.

Admittedly, he is not looking forward to their meeting knowing that she will be confronting him about his actions. Trying to calm himself down, he takes deep breaths.

(In his mind)-She has a right to be in a terrible mood. Since he kept this from her so he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. Hopefully once he explains everything they can move forward and this doesn't force them to move back a step in their relationship. 

After his inner pep talk he spends the time until she arrives considering the best way to put the situation so Mia would accept it and not be angry with him.

All too soon, she arrives with a bang.

She loudly marches through the rooms as she advances through the house, forcibly opening the doors not at the moment caring how loud she is, before arriving at her destination in front of him and throwing the newspaper at him saying-WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?

Alexander playfully guips-A newspaper? Surprisingly, your father had the same initial response when he came here not that long ago.

She sternly says-This is not a time for joking matters, Alexander Dimitri Wilson! Undoubtedly, I am at the limit of my patience and this day has just begun. This morning I was rudely and forcibly awakened by my father's bodyguards coming into my bedroom and telling me I needed to hurry and to put on regular clothes immediately for my safety. That I had fifteen minutes to pack a bag of the essentials and that I will not be returning to my house for the foreseeable future. 

She furiously continues saying-When I questioned why and what was going on the bodyguards told me there was not enough time and that they would give me a brief explanation when I was safe since the paparazzi and news stations were already setting up outside my house and people who could pose a threat to me might come and utilize this situation to harm me.

She heatedly finishes her explanation-After packing a quick bag of the necessities, the bodyguards lifted up my floorboards to unearth a secret door. Once the door was open, the bodyguards ordered me to jump. Fortunately, there was padding to cushion my fall of several feet. In the tunnel there was a golf cart so at least we did not need to walk the mile. Once we stopped at our destination, I climbed the ladder several feet to enter a home a mile away from my house. Immediately, they ushered me into a car to head here. While in the car they gave me that newspaper.

She firmly states-So right now, you will explain to me what is going on Alexander Dimitri Wilson.

Calmly he states-Love, I will tell you everything. Should I start at the beginning or is there anything specific you need me to address first?

She replies-Start at the beginning. 

Trying to justify his actions by saying-As you know on graduation day, I vowed that I would make your parents particularly your father pay for forcing us to break up and the pain that caused. To your parents I was beneath them due to my lack of wealth, connections, and ethnic and religious differences. So they treated me like I was worthless. While I would have tolerated it since I love you, during the time of our separation it made me reflect on what would happen when we had children? Would they teach and show them that behavior? What about my parents and that side of my family? Half of our children's background will be from me. So are they going to teach them to be ashamed of that background and people like my parents and me?

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