Finding The Mouse

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So the beginning will have a tiny portion of the same dialect from the last chapter. The only difference is I am just adding in Alexander's POV. The rest of the chapter is what he does after he is uncuffed.

(Alexander's POV)

Undoubtedly, it has been excruciating waiting to hear what Mia has planned. Luckily for me, the work day is over and all the workers have left the office and after finishing the last signature, I detect Mia heading towards my desk.

Mia opened her mouth to speak-Alexander, do you trust me?

(In his head)-Why on earth is she asking me that? What does this girl have planned for me?

Out loud, he replied-Absolutely, why?

Mia smirks-As I explained earlier, all would be revealed at the end of the day, which is now. You asked why I am wearing this outfit? I yearn to tell you, but first I need you to trust me and simultaneously close your eyes and not move a muscle until I tell you too that you can.

(In his head processing what she is asking of him)-Why does she need me to close my eyes and not move a muscle to tell me the reason why she is wearing that outfit? My relationship with her is already broken, maybe showing her I trust her with my life is one of the first steps to improving our relationship.

Out loud he says-Okay... I am trusting you.

He closes his eyes and Mia goes around his desk and pushes back his chair to give her extra room.

(In his head)-Why is she pushing my chair back? Is Mia about to give me a lap dance? Is that why she is dressing so sexy?

Reaching into her pocket, Mia pulls out two pair of handcuffs Sarah had lying in her car.

(In his head, trying to rationalize what he believes Mia is doing)-What is this metal she has put on my wrists? Also, why do these feel similar to handcuffs, since they can't be, since how does my sweet innocent Mia own a pair of handcuffs?

After securing him to his chair, Mia tells him to open his eyes.

He was shocked to say the least to find himself actually handcuffed to his chair with Mia standing over him says-What is this Mia?

Mia smirks-I wanted to show my appreciation to you for taking care of me for two weeks. After brainstorming for a while I realized the perfect gift: a kiss from me.

(In his head)-If I had known that nursing you back to health, would have you willing kiss me, I would have found contaminated materials with cold germs and made you sick months ago.

Mia continues-I wore the dress for you to enjoy and for my entertainment since I knew the sight of me would torture you, leaving you in the perfect condition for my gift. The reason I handcuff you was I did not wish for you in your excitement accidentally break my personal boundaries. After I leave I will text Thomas, Harrison, and Megan to free you.

(In his head)-I definitely enjoyed the outfit, there is no doubt about it. Moreover, I have been restraining myself all day from either showing you exactly what you are doing to me or forcing you to cover up. As a result of your gift, I will be taking cold showers for a long time with that image of you in the dress and on my lap in my head. Be afraid Mia, be extremely afraid when whoever frees me releases me from these handcuffs.

Mia continues-This changes nothing between us as of right now. However, I realized when you were taking care of me and the hours of enlightening and engaging conversation, that maybe the both of us are the people meant for each other.

(In his head)-This is one of the best gifts ever even without the kiss. Particularly, since she is giving me hope again that I will make up for all the lost time. I cannot believe that she is finally realizing what I have been saying all along, how the both of us are meant for each other.

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