Plans Continued

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A half hour later a new match popped up. He messaged.

Henry. 27. Engineer. Jay Crane. Northern Illinois University. Tall. Brown Hair. Green Eyes.

Henry-Hi, how are you?

Mia-I am good, how are you?

Henry-I am nervous. I have never been on a dating app before and I just created this today. You were the first girl I liked and matched with.

Mia-I am in the same boat. Never used a dating app before today. A guy messaged me earlier, but he was not a nice guy. So I don't know how messaging on dating apps should go.

Henry-That is a relief. Not that I don't think if given the time you would have more matches. I might be coming on strong, but you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

Mia blushes. Sarah is watching this go down.

Sarah-You like him. He seems like a nice guy. You go girl!

Mia-Thank you. You are very handsome. So it says you are an engineer, what do you do?

Henry-I design machine parts. It says you work at St. Ignatius College Prep. What do you teach?

Mia-I teach World and United States History. What is your favorite hobby?

Henry-I love to read. I am a huge nerd. What about you?

Mia is typing fast. She is animated. Sarah is watching with a smile-Same. I am a nerd as well. My favorite series is Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead and House of Night by P. C .and Kristin Cast. Not because of the vampires, but because of how the authors wrote the book.

Sarah with a satisfied grin-My work here is done. I think I found you a man. Now you just got to wait and see if he will ask you out. If not, you ask him. Girl it is the 21st century and woman can ask guys out first.

Sarah after a hug goodbye exits. Henry and Mia talk all night and into the morning. They share common interests and goals in life. After awhile of texting Henry messages Mia what she was hoping for.

Henry-I know we have been talking all night, but I would love if we could meet for dinner tonight. We even can go to the Cheesecake Factory since its our favorite restaurant.

Mia-I would love that. Would 7pm work?

Henry-Prefect for me. Should I meet you there?

Mia-Yeah, that would work. I will see you later. Have a nice day at work.

Henry-You too.

Mia gets ready and goes to work. Her co-workers wanted to know how the meeting went with THE ALEXANDER WILSON! but she tried to stay as neutral as possible. Her co-workers noticed her giddiness and were happy to change the subject to her cause. Mia was only too happy to tell her co-workers about her date tonight. After going through the motions of the school day Mia quickly leaves work to go change.

After emptying out her closet trying to find the perfect date outfit she calls Sarah to help. Since what are the benefits of having one of the leading designers in Chicago as your best friend if you don't take advantage of it.

Sarah answers the phone.

Sarah-Hey, let me guess you need help with an outfit for your date tonight?


Sarah-I am on my way.

Mia-Thank you! You are a godsend.

Mia impatiently waits at her door. Her date is in two hours and she needs to get dress and get a ride over there.

Sarah pulls up outside with an outfit in hand. After getting inside Mia questions her on what is in the bag.

Mia-What is this?

Sarah-My latest creation. I had you in mind when designing it. Sarah pulls out of her bag a white and flower dress. The top part is a white shirt, a floral brown belt, then light blue with pink flowers as the skirt bottom.

Mia-Its perfect for a fall first date at a semi-formal restaurant.

After Sarah works a miracle on her again making her shine. Sarah drives and drops her off at the Cheesecake Factory by 6:45pm.

Mia waves goodbye and heads inside. After not seeing Henry outside or in the entrance area she wonders if she got there before him or if he already got them a table. Going to the front desk she asks the teenage male employee with the name Bill on the name tag.

Mia-Hi. I am here on a first date tonight. I am not sure if he has already arrived and got seated. His name is Henry Anderson. My name is Mia Davis.

Bill-Your date has arrived and is seated. Let me get someone to take you to him.

Bill calls over a male employee with the name Cody on his name tag.

Cody-Hello, Ms. Davis. Welcome to Cheesecake Factory. My name is Cody Smith and I am the manager of this restaurant. If there is anything I can do to be of service to you. Please let me know.

Mia is confused at this greeting. They are making it out to seem like she is very important. Warning bells are ringing in her head.

After going to the very back of the restaurant in a quiet corner they stop in front of a booth with a man with his head down deep in the menu.

The man looks up with a satisfied smile.

Mia in shock-Alexander! What are you doing here?

Alexander-Hello, love.

(Cliffhanger-Don't worry the next part will be up in an hour or so depending on if I am eating dinner. Also those two book series are my favorite. If you haven't already done so check them out. Richelle Mead books have a lot of twist and turns and P. C. and Kristin Cast wrote the House of Night as a mother and daughter duo. Kristin was 16 at the time and P. C. was a high school English teacher and her students also helped with the books. Both are amazing and both authors are so nice. I have met them multiple times.)

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