Twenty Questions Part Three

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Announcement: Hi everyone! I hope you like the double update. I am posting this announcement on both this chapter and the one following since I noticed when I do double chapters sometimes people only read the latest one. I was originally going to update these chapters earlier, however, I have been dealing with medical issues. So I do not know when the next update will be.

Mia holds his gaze for a moment before moving on-What are two things you regret most in your life?

He frowns while saying-Pass.

(In his head)-I cannot answer that truthfully. The first thing I regret most in my life is leaving and hurting you. The second thing has not happened yet, but will in the future once we are in a relationship again. I regret what I am going to do as payback to your mother and father, especially your father. I regret that this has to happen one day. However, the both of them need to experience the pain they put the both of us through.

(Mia's POV)

(In her head)-Now I am truly curious as to what his answer would be. This was supposed to be a straightforward question. Undoubtedly in my mind his answer should have been leaving and hurting me and something else. Since I knew his answer if it was only the one regret, which is why I made it two. Besides I wonder why he couldn't tell me the second regret.

Out loud she says-Are you truly utilizing one of your three strikes on this question?

With no hesitation Alexander says-Yes.

Mia-Okay... Moving on. First and foremost, my biggest regret is hurting/bullying a girl I went to elementary school with. In kindergarten, Olivia and I were best friends. However, that changed in first grade. A girl named Lizzie joined the class. She and I created a game for two people using the playground equipment and we played that game every recess. Olivia always wanted to play with us, however the playground equipment we used can only hold two people. As a result I always told her I would play with her tomorrow. While subconsciously knowing that tomorrow would probably never happen. Yet, she always asked for almost the entire year. Sadly, on the first day of second grade Lizzie told me that she did not wish to play with me anymore since we played together every day last year. As for Olivia, understandably, she did not desire to be my friend anymore after how I treated her the previous year. Consequently, that is the start of me not having friends in school. In spite of that I apologize to Olivia when we became older since I still felt horrible, however, while she accepted my apology she still did not wish to be friends. The reason why I regret this the most is since once the bullying started in second grade and became extremely severe in fourth grade, I truly understood the pain I put her through. I still have imprinted in my mind the face she made the last time she asked and the last time I answered tomorrow for us playing. Furthermore, I remember the emotional pain and disappointment on her face as she realized that will always be my answer.

She continues-The second biggest regret of my life is letting my parents control my life for as long as they did. Obviously I recognize that with my disabilities they were allowed greater control than they typically would. Also, I was financially dependent on them until I graduated college. However, they should not have tried to control who I love and would one day marry. Granted all parents should have a say in their child's partner. However, that all it should have been. Tell me their opinion and I can put it under advisement. Nevertheless, it is my choice to listen or not. Ultimately, their job was to support me with my choice. If I was wrong, at that point they can advise me when I attempt to find love again.

Alexander-I am surprised to hear that is your first regret since you have grown from that child. Consequently, I am guessing it is why you are now extremely caring for each and every person you meet. Furthermore, you are a outstanding friend now. One of the ways you have been an outstanding friend is that you are always there for people when they need you. If you ever doubt how outstanding of a friend you are, I have plenty of reasons I can further list.

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