"To Wrap My Life in Leaves" - by The_Magical_Yoshi

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To Wrap My Life in Leaves:

Virizion has died, and to keep the world of Pokémon in balance, she must be living. Resurrection is not possible with out a key item and there can't be another egg; there is only one solution: she needs a host, and she already has instructed Cobalion of who; a Snivy named Serphisa.

Serphisa has so far lived a normal life, working in a rescue team, exploring new places with friends, until Cobalion comes and tells her shocking news: She is to sacrifice her body to host Virizion's soul. With this shocking news, she is informed that she has six days to finish as many loose ends in her life as possible. But can she really do it?

Genre: Fanfiction

X (@calliope95)'s review:

"To Wrap My Life In Leaves" was one of the first short stories I read in Wattpad. A small short story narrating the events of a Snivy being asked to sacrifice her life, the storyline is set in the last week of the Snivy's life. And that's an interesting topic.

The cover was... well, exceptionally ordinary. The Snivy lying down with an expression of sadness brings more beauty to the short story. It could've been better, though.


Overall, and I only mean overall- the book is perfect. In a reader's perspective, it's simply excellent. The theme is amazing, the narration is amazing, and it strictly fit inside the main theme. That's something not many people probably get, unless they write a huge blurb.

The story was so... sad. This is a highly beautiful, sad, gentle story. The soft and delicate concept of death waiting nearby was blended amazingly with the joys and happiness life gives us. It is so heart-touching to see the Vine Snake Pokemon receiving the news, spending her last week of life, enjoying it, wishing she wouldn't die... @The_Magical_Yoshi should try her hand at romance novels. I think she'd do well at it. I do suggest this though- it's covered in the Cons part, but work on emotions first.

The way the scenes were written... it was soul-touching. Battles, love, the longing for life... 


The scene where Serphisa writes letters to her friends and family deserves some kind of award.


It was so beautiful. Combined with the jolly elements, *SPOILER ALERT!* The day when Serphisa goes out with her friends to various places and ends the day being with Wes, *SPOILER ENDS* This book is just marvelous. Simply marvelous.


The grammar and spelling. It was unnerving to notice it. For example, you don't say "laid down" to depict a creature near death- that would mean it's all tucked up in a bed. The correct usage would be, "lay down". There were far too many spelling mistakes throughout the story, and there's a little problem with tenses. I hope the author works on that.

I understand the reason behind it being a short story, truly, I do, but I have to point this out- it was rushed. That cut most of the emotion out. In-depth emotion, not the surface ones.

*Minor spoiler alert*

For example, Cobalion just says, "You are to die next week, prepare yourself, be brave." It doesn't feel it. It doesn't feel the twisted web of emotions- that its comrade is dead, that it's hopeful that Virizion will come back alive, that it pities the Snivy for going to have to sacrifice its own life... 

*Spoiler ends*

Adding to the lack of in-depth emotions was the fact that the book SHOWS that it was rushed. It was a blur of light, unless you settled down to read it thoroughly, letter by letter. Perhaps if it was two days instead of a week...

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