The Retelling of Pokémon Colosseum - by bobandbill [Not on wattpad]

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The Retelling of Pokémon Colosseum:

"My retake on the game Pokemon Colosseum, with all things 'explained' and in the form of a comedy. Why DID Wes blow up Team Snagem's base? How would people really react if you stole their Pokemon? What's with Miror B's hair anyway? Read to find out!"

Genre: Fanfiction, comedy

*Note: This story can be read on


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This is a weird one for me. Having to read a fanfiction like this – and write an honest review about it – is one of the weirdest and somehow challenging things I've ever had to do. I never thought it would be so difficult to write down a few opinions on something Pokémon related, but here I am, scratching my head at how to even start.

Why is it so difficult? Well, as a massive Pokémon fan who has made it his mission to follow the franchise in every form possible, I'm one of the somewhat limited number of people who has properly played the Gamecube Pokémon games all the way through, post-game and all, and not just dumped them with negativity due to their unusual mechanics with shadow Pokémon. My opinion on Colosseum in particular is a very mixed one, and this is a fan fiction that causes me to have to go back to that opinion, recalling my experiences with the game and weighing them alongside this retelling.

Pokémon Colosseum is one of the most unique Pokémon games in existence, in its gameplay, world, and storyline, and "The Retelling of Pokémon Colosseum" manages to capture that in all its essence. But with the power that writing has over video games, it is able to expand on all of that to a whole new level, which really shows off the author's creativity. What takes up a few minutes in game is brought to life by character thoughts, action, and vivid detail, making the story quite an exciting read even if you've played the game to death.

But what made this truly difficult? The fact that this story isn't just a retelling, that's what. It's a retelling and a recreation of the game's story, almost completely changing its genre to comedy, of all things. Granted, Pokémon Colosseum pulls off some pretty comedic tropes on its own already, but this author takes those to a whole new level almost all the way through the fanfic, cleverly adding in more amongst it all. In my honest opinion, this is the story's strongest point: its humour is solid.

Normally, comedy in writing is a heavily subjective trial which writers often avoid completely, save for one or two jokes, due to the fact that it is just so insanely difficult to pull off successfully to a large audience. This is one fanfiction that completely bypasses the difficulties of that trial, catering to virtually every type of humour someone reading a Pokémon fanfic could find funny. Character stupidity and slapstick, unusual obsessions, quirky characters and their Pokémon, pop culture references, poking fun at Pokémon logic, and of course, Pokémon Colosseum in general; it's all there. If you don't find something that causes you to at least smile or crack a snicker somewhere in this story, then I am fully convinced that you are reading it on the wrong day. I'm one of those people that is pretty difficult to impress with humour found on the internet, and yet, even I found myself physically face-palming at the brilliance of some of the laughs.

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