"The Drunken Truth" - by gymnastgirlflips

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The Drunken Truth:

"Ash, now 18, returns from Unova to visit his old friends of Kanto. During his visit to Cerulean City, he accidentally gets... well, drunk.

This is a short fanfiction for the sake of humor because, let's face it, these types of situations are funny if they're not happening to you."

Genre: Fanfiction

Ivy (@RiverIvy)'s Review:

(Warning: critical critique is critical)

This is a short, humorous, and surprisingly well-written one-shot about an encounter with Misty and a drunken Ash. Obviously, it's a PokeShipping oneshot, so if you're picky with certain shippings in books, you might want to keep that in mind.

To put it simply, this book had absolutely no noticeable flaws. It was all that a romantic one-shot should be – cute, funny, emotional, and sweet.

The plot itself was simple yet a perfect scene for this type of romance to happen – what I also think makes this so great is the fact that the author really managed to capture the realism of the character's personalities and relate it to the events in the plot. Ash, being drunk, and the things that he says and does, are perfectly in sync with his character in the anime and just what you'd expect out of him. This made the story particularly enjoyable to read.

Another thing that I loved about reading it was the humor. There's really no way to explain it – it was funny, the concept was funny, and I laughed along while reading it :P But, the real gem here is that the book managed to make me laugh, and still get touched by the romance that was going on and the character's thoughts and feelings, which, especially on Misty's part, was in-depth and wistful. Good job!

As for description – well, it definitely wasn't bad, but there wasn't anything too special about it. Just average details and words, enough to paint a picture of the general surrounding I guess. However, I don't think this deterred the story too much because being of the genre that it is; it focused instead more on the feelings of the characters, and their actions and how they related to their feelings. Usually I'm quite picky with describing well enough, but eh, I'll let this one pass because it managed to do better without it.

The grammar was perfect. Not one typo spotted :3

Overall, this was a short, sweet, entertaining review for a short, sweet, entertaining story. I'd recommend it for basically anyone who's into romance and even those who aren't; and because it's a one shot, basically anyone has a time to read it. Although, I think AmourShippers won't be too happy with it, but I think they'll still manage to appreciate the quality of the writing :P

Rating: 9.5/10

Lostie (@Lostie-P)'s review:


1) I really liked the idea of how Ash managed to get drunk. It was already a pretty humorous oneshot, but I thought that detail was especially funny. Was that a way of slipping in another ship, or was it just for humor purposes? Guess I'll never know.

2) Though it was a story idea I've read about a couple times, I liked the way you wrote it. I liked the humor (as previously stated), with the added serious mood later on.

3) Hungover Ash was probably my favorite part of the story, as well as when he has to explain himself to Misty. Without giving away spoilers, all I can say is it must take a ton of courage to say what he did. It was easier for Misty since she went after Ash.


1) When you used a hyphen, you'd only use one. Which is actually more correct than two or three according to my English teacher! Just not the short one (-). If you're on an apple product when writing, you can just hold down on the hyphen button to get the long one that you're supposed to use (— or –). I mean, I learned this Friday, so I have the same problem. It's not a big deal as it didn't take away from the reading experience, just a small conventional error.

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