"Fallen Fairy" - by Izayoix [PART 2] [Not on wattpad]

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Interview with the author:

Q: Why do you write on Wattpad? How did you find this site?

A: I started writing on Wattpad because I wanted to try something new, as well as make new friends on Wattpad. I write, generally, because I love it. I found Wattpad when my friend recommended it to me.

Q: Which writers on Wattpad and in real-life inspire you?

A: On Wattpad, the writers which inspire me the most are @shinymewgirl, @RiverIvy, @Grenineon, @AnonymouslyDedicated, @GoddessOfRandomness and many more. In real life, I'm inspired by authors like Kasandra Kong. She's not well-known, but her book "Knights of Iris" is absolutely beautiful.

Q: Do you ever get writer's block? How do you fix this?

A: I get writer's block often, where I've planned out something, know how it's going to go in my head, but can't get it into words. I usually have a playlist of music ready, and it helps if it fits the emotions of what you're writing.

Q: What's your favorite quote, if you have one?

A: "Don't dream you life, live your dreams."

Q: Do you like to work out an outline or just see where the plot takes you when writing?

A: For the first few chapters, I'll write freely, which means I won't plan out the plot. This gives me a chance to see where this can go. Then, I'll outline the story, giving about four points for each chapter, which means that while I have a pretty good idea about what to write, I still have space to change minor details.

Q: If you had to write your book all over again, what would you change in it?

A: I would make it slightly more detailed and longer, and work on the pacing of the story so that everything doesn't happen so quickly. I would also work on making the POV's consistent.

Q: What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

A: Don't write to please others. Write something that pleases yourself. You're only competing with yourself --- and when you beat yourself, that's when you know you've written a good story.

Q: What advice would you give to your younger self?

A: Don't run away from writing genres that you're bad at. In fact, write about that genre the most.

Q: Give us some insight into your main character.

A: I don't exactly have one main character. I would say the absolute main characters would be Xerneas and Yveltal. Yveltal was someone created by Arceus to be the Legendary of Death, and that gave him a cruel, heartless Legendary who stopped at nothing to get what he wanted. However, he's a gentle Pokemon deep down; he just hasn't learnt how to love others yet. Meanwhile, Xerneas is a caring Pokemon who finds joy in other's life. However, she harboured hate towards Yveltal, and shies away from the idea of death. This hatred towards certain Pokemon like Darkrai and Yveltal caused darkness in her hard, leading to her getting Corrupted. However, she's able to learn and accept Death later on in the story.

Q: What's more important: characters or plot?

A: I can't decide. While characters are extremely important in the story, and can decide whether the story is bland or exciting, the plot is essentially the story. I would say both balances each other out --- plot brings out the characters, and characters are what really make your story shine.

Q: How much research do you do before you write?

A: I wouldn't say I do research. I do research about the Pokemon themselves, and a bit of the region, but that's about it.


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Article written by: Ivy (RiverIvy)

Reviews by: Ivy, X (Darker_X), Lostie (Lostie-P), Gren (Grenineon)

Interview conducted by: Abby ( abbert21 )

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