Individual Review of The Void She Filled by Rosa950

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The Void She Filled was a very interesting action-packed story to pick up while relaxing on a comfy chair during a quiet evening

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The Void She Filled was a very interesting action-packed story to pick up while relaxing on a comfy chair during a quiet evening. It tells of a young trainer named Rosa, who traveled through the Unova region during the aftermath of Team Plasma.

The first thing I would like to discuss is the plot. The plot itself was easy and delightful to read, taking most of the plot from the Pokémon Black and White 2 games. Most of the plot was paced well throughout the chapters while showing good details for every scene and how each character reacted to one another, which I will be going into depth about later. However, some chapters are also fast-paced, and I had to reread some of the chapters again to understand it. This might be a little confusing for some readers, so I suggest you slow down the pace of the chapters.

I love the characterization inside the story, especially how each character was someone I could relate to as a person. Rosa is a lovable, sarcastic girl that I could envision in real life and is well-thought out. Even the original characters and NPCs in the story each have a personality that most people could relate to. Ghetsis and Team Plasma have the most classical villain personality of wanting to destroy the world or take it over, and I like it a lot. But even if the characterization is good, there's a few small problems I have with it and think could be worked on. I don't know the games as well as some people do, but I think the grunts that work for Ghetsis could have a distinct personality other than having their usual personality of being "evil" and having the "minion" personality.

As mentioned before, it was enjoyable to see a strong protagonist like Rosa, and that made me a lot more interested in how our female protagonist's relationships changed with her family, friends, and enemies. Overall, reading from her perspective personally dragged me into caring about the protagonist, which is good; you managed to drag a reader into caring for a character. You also managed to pull off each narrator's POV, and it was intriguing to see how each character, even the OCs, reacted to the situation that was handed to them. Even so, I feel like the characters went out of character for a little, like how N spilled his entire history out to a stranger after perhaps a few hours. *SPOILER* I would suggest, though, to make Rosa's PTSD a little more realistic by researching a little more on it. I feel like it could be improved on a lot more. I do like how Rosa's mother and N expressed their concern when she was going through it, but again, it could be improved on. *SPOILER END*

Battles were exciting to read, and I could imagine them easily in my head, like how Ghetsis ordered Kyurem to freeze Rosa into a block of ice, or how she called Flareon to melt the never-melting ice of Kyurem. Scenes were also easily described and easily imagined in a reader's head, and it's well-thought out when I look back at the chapters. However, I believe that you can improve on description of the scenes and each character's perspective, along with a little bit of spelling and grammar. *SPOILER* I especially like the descriptions of the police investigations and the courtroom. They were well researched, and I like it, however, I think it could still be researched more. I do not suggest going onto YouTube to finding this, though I would recommend going to your local court and checking out how it works or going through official websites to see a court hearing, or simply asking an expert or a police officer how they do an investigation. It might help a little. *SPOILER END*

I want to delve into the relationship between N and Rosa for a little before we proceed on. I feel as if their relationship went too fast. For one example, they grew feelings for each other throughout one day. It felt too fast to have immediate romantic feelings for each other, and then there's a love triangle at the same time between Hilda, Rosa, and N at the same time. *SPOILER* As romantic love triangles are too common in some books, I would suggest to not play with it as much as it seemed a little complicated to me how the love triangle worked in the story, though it showed how deep Hilda and N's relationship to each other was. Another idea I would suggest to improve on this is to make the love triangle unpredictable to us readers. Although interesting, it became a little boring to read how each character struggled with their feelings, and I hated the predictability in the chapters when the love triangle came in. *SPOILER END*

I did enjoy those scenes of sweet moments that you managed to bring out between Rosa and N, and those assumed moments between Hugh and Hilda. Those moments between Rosa and her mother were simple and realistic, like how a mother worries for her child like every mother would if she realized her child was bringing down an organization that was bent on ruling/destroying the world. You brought out feels in every chapter, and I felt the emotions that each character felt, such as growing sympathy for Hilda and growing worried for N. A very good job there, and the only problems I would see here would be spelling, grammar, and a little more description on each scene, as it feels like there's not much of it.

The story was a joy to read, and your writing style was simple to understand what exactly was going on in between each chapter. The problems that I found throughout the story can be easily fixed and be redone. It was very heartwarming during those moments between our protagonists, and a wonderful story to read to the end.

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