"Fallen Fairy" - by NyxAbsol [PART 1] [Not on wattpad]

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Fallen Fairy:

"The greatest fairy-type Pokemon has fallen. Xerneas, the guardian of Life itself, has been defeated, taken over by corruption by the work of the mysterious Shadow. Now it, like many unfortunate others, has been turned into Dark Xerneas. It's up to Yveltal to step up and take it's enemy's place to protect the world. It's their only hope of survival. It has to stop Shadow- put aside its hatred for its sibling. Life and Destruction- they are at opposite ends of the spectrum. So what's going to happen if their roles are reversed? Will Life ever be the same again, or will it be lost in the darkness created by Shadow? And will Death learn a thing or two about the beauty of Life? Find out in Fallen Fairy!"

Genre: FanFiction

Ivy (@RiverIvy)'s Review:

Fallen Fairy by @NyxAbsol is a short novella/story centering around the battles and old, bitter grudges between Legendary Pokemon. This story particularly stood out because of its myth-like format, and the many concepts and ideas it introduces.

I'll start with the basics - the description was good. It was definitely better than average, and though I wouldn't say it's one of the best parts of the book, in my opinion the amount of detail put in was just write for a short, straight-to-the-point fanfic such as this one.

And, of course, the grammar was absolutely fantastic! Great spelling, great capitalization, good punctuation (although occasionally confusing the "its" and "it's", I noticed). Nothing much to be said; this definitely made it a much smoother read.

A very interesting part was the characterization and development. I found it simply amazing how the author managed to make Yvetal a cruel, ruthless beats, while still having the readers sympathize to an extent with him - his sadness about how people viewed him, his jealousy at Xerneas, his outlook on how unfair his fate and life was made to be. I found that really great, and I found that in a few other characters, too.

Speaking of that - the way the author projected emotions and sorrow, grief and angst, into the story...deserves a round of applause. *Claps*

The development was also, I guess, okay. I think at some point on the story it became pretty much expected what the character's would each turn out like in the end and how they've changed, but it still wasn't too bad.

The relationship between Xerneas and Yvetal, Cressalia and Darkrai, how their two perspectives were shown in fair and clear, very beautiful ways, was utterly AMAZING. The internal conflict of whether they actually love their siblings or not, the anger yet at the same time sadness towards them; this all added a very raw and emotional side to the book.

Pretty minor thing, but I think it's clever that there are cliffhangers left on each chapter! Lol, it really engaged the readers on and made them anxious for more.


Possibly my absolute favorite part of the whole book was the underdog/runt character! It was really such a refreshing idea. I'm sick of always reading about gorgeous, bland, flawless Mary-Sues as the heroes, so as you can expect I was whooping for joy when this story turned up different. The sadness and self-pity of this runt was realistically touching and sad, and at the same time her determination was amazing.


As mentioned, in general this book introduced many original and creative concepts and ideas, mostly involving the history of the Pokemon world and legendaries. The Fairy's blessing, the Night Warrior, the creations of certain Pokemon and their backstories.... Each and every one of them was a pleasure to read and learn about. And the shadow - I adored that!

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