Members' Favorite Fanfics: Junie

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One of the hardest questions I've ever been asked is "what is your favorite book?" I don't have one

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One of the hardest questions I've ever been asked is "what is your favorite book?" I don't have one. I have many. For the short amount of time I've been on Wattpad, I have many favorite Pokéfics. Each day, more and more great stories come out so that I still feel like I can't choose just one favorite.

Narrowing it down to five? It's still hard. There are so many good books that I've read that it's nearly impossible. The four you see below are the four that I would give a 10/10 and would highly recommend reading if you haven't already done so.


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4.) The Hacker by Dragons_Rose

This book will forever hold a special spot in my heart because it is what inspired me to write a bit of Pokémon fanfiction and make an account for writing Pokémon fanfiction. I've reread this book about a good five times already because of how amazing it is. Even then, I know I'll open it up again when I have time because I love it that much.

What happens in The Hacker that has made it so intriguing is that it doesn't necessarily concentrate on the battle scenes, but rather, it focuses on the interactions between the characters. This was the first Pokémon fanfic I read that didn't concentrate on battles, so the idea was a bit different for me, especially since the storyline is about a girl who is sucked into her Pokémon game and has to complete the game in order to return to her world. I remember reading it at first wondering why there was a lack of battle scenes, but the more I started to read it, I started to realize there is more to Pokémon than just the battle scenes. There are people in Pokémon that we need to think about as well.

As I said before, the main character of this story is literally sucked into the Pokémon world, something we would find cool. It would be cool to live in the Pokémon world. The author doesn't stop on that superficial level though. She reaches into a deeper meaning of why this would actually be problematic, and I still reread this story thinking that was good planning and writing on her part. It's one of the many reasons why this book will always be in my top ten favorite Pokémon fanfics on this site.


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3.) Heart of Steel by ImberLapis

One of the things I love about Pokémon--especially in the anime--is how each Pokémon has their own personality. In Heart of Steel, each Pokémon is vastly different. They have their own personalities that make each and every one of them very loveable. The trainers are the same way, and as a reader, that's what I look forward to in a book. If there are lovable characters, then I find it easier to read it. I just absolutely loved reading every bit of Heart of Steel.

The author of this book definitely knows how to provoke emotion too. This book has made me laugh and cry so that when I read it, I know I have to be in a room by myself. If I don't, I'll start laughing at one of Meteor's comments, or feeling the pain that some of the characters had to go through. Being able to feel what the characters are feeling, it's powerful. The author did a wonderful job creating this book and should be proud of the work she created.


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2.) Bonds by Cora-chan

Have you ever opened up a book, just to read for five minutes and end up pulling an all nighter to try and finish the book? That was Bonds for me. I am a sucker for a good romance novel, and Bonds did not disappoint. It wasn't a cheesy love story either. While it's evident who is going to end up together, the relationship doesn't feel rushed. I love that. It made me turn to the next chapter in hopes that the two characters would get together, or at least, would finally admit to one another that they like each other.

Outside the romance, the characterization of this book is just amazing. I love seeing characters grow throughout the book, and the three main characters all go through a bit of personal growth at their own pace. Just like I said with the romance aspect of this book, it wasn't forced. Each character grew at their own pace. People are going to grow at their own pace. Whether it's immediately or that it takes weeks, this book proved that everyone is different but will still have room to grow. Seeing that made the story very enjoyable to read.


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1.)The World Without Them by UnisonRaider

Honestly, words cannot describe how much I loved reading this book. The World Without Them is a thrilling ride that had me on the edge of my seat every time I would read it. I love the detail that the book is filled with and the characters that are just so different from one another. It's filled with twists and turns; I never knew what was going to happen.

Usually when a book introduces too many unexpected turns of events, I start to turn away from them. The plot twists start to become more predictable, and that's a bit discouraging. The World Without Them doesn't have that problem. When reading it, I loved that I was always in for a big surprise because they were written well.

There's also a large cast that is in this book. With a lot of characters in a book, I find it hard to remember who's who, but every character is memorable so that I didn't have that problem. There were all different and loveable, and it's because of that I could hardly put it down when I read it. It's no wonder this book won first place in the Adventure category in the 2018 Pokémon Watty Awards. The book was so well written that it deserves all the love it's receiving. 

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