The Hybrid Experiment - by RiskTheRiolu

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The Hybrid Experiment:

"Turning twelve as an Eevee is a monumental task in the village of Pokemon that Jake calls home- that day, each Eevee gets his or her special chance to adventure to the Cave of Reckoning and fulfill their destiny- maturing into an entirely new Pokemon, beyond one's own timid Eevee heart. As the mistreated "runt" at school, he leaps, headlong into his chance at evolution. However, there's always one precaution- no one who ever enters the Cave of Reckoning ever comes out the same, both mentally and physically. Is Jake really ready for what he will find inside?"

Genre: Fanfiction

Since we didn't have a fanfic recommender when we were deciding on this review, we did something a little different. This book was nominated by member NaivEevee , so we're starting off with her review. We as a club had some mixed opinions about this one, but we hope that all four reviews in combination will provide a balanced perspective while showcasing each reviewer's separate opinions and unique style.


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The Hybrid Experiment by RiskTheRiolu is an action-packed, adventurous story about a Team Rocket scientist named Nathan who has realized the wrongdoings of the organization. Horrified with how Team Rocket treats Pokémon, Nathan leaves the organization with his unintentional creation of a hybrid Pokémon, Voltflare, an Umbreon with fused powers of a Flareon and Jolteon. Along the way of their escape, Nathan and Voltflare share a friendly bond and connection with one another, one that enables them to work together in many intense situations as they are being hunted down by the enemy.

First off, I liked the overall idea of the story. It had some brilliantly-executed and original elements to it that continued to interest me throughout the book. The prologue was very well done and it was effective in engaging readers with the introduction of major characters, both the purely-evil antagonists and protagonist, Nathan. The opening created an exciting, dark mood of lab subjects and laboratory abuse in contrast to the usual "naiveness" of Pokémon; this made the story a much more interesting read.

In addition to that, I also enjoyed the concept of an original Pokémon such as VoltFlare because I felt that creating such a character requires some risk-taking, courage, and creativity. The author was able to pull it off well and convincingly, so that I was able to accept Voltflare as an actual Pokémon rather than some OC spoof. Along with Jake's relatable backstory in the Eevee village, I liked that Jake was established more like a human rather than just a Pokémon sidekick to Nathan.

Another interesting thing I noticed was that the author used a very large variety of adverbs, adjectives, verbs, and replacements for "said"; personally for me, it made the story much more expressive in that these details enable me to visualize scenes on a more intensified scale. Great use of replacements!

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