2019 Summer Reading List

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Looking for some Pokémon fanfics to read this summer? Check out what some of our members are looking forward to, and feel free to share your own list in the comments! We've also made a special reading list of our picks for easy access, so click on over to the inline comment on this paragraph or check out our profile to find it.

Looking for some Pokémon fanfics to read this summer? Check out what some of our members are looking forward to, and feel free to share your own list in the comments! We've also made a special reading list of our picks for easy access, so click on...

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One of the many things I love about summer is the amount of time I have to catch up on books both on Wattpad and off. My library is filled with books, some of which the writer is in the middle of writing, while others are just books I've yet to find time to read. With so many good Pokéfics on Wattpad, it's nearly impossible to read 'em all.

That's what summer is for. To give you an idea, here is a list of a majority of the books I've been reading over the school year and hope to read more during the summer. This list is compiled of books that are still being written, so if the writer decides to drop his/her work, then that is completely understandable.

Pokémon: Grim Gold by Your_Last_Word

This book has a loveable main character, Akio, who has been thrown into a mess of sorts. Team Victorus has taken over Johto, and the entire region has fallen under a warzone. While this book is about war and has a bit more violence beyond Pokémon battles, it has a good amount of humor in it and is very enjoyable to read. The current length is 25 chapters.

Aftermath by UnisonRaider

If you haven't read The World Without Them by UnisonRaider, then it's highly encouraged to read that one before this one. The last book left on a cliffhanger (one of which I will not say what happened) that left me wanting more. I'm so glad the author decided to create a sequel to help us readers figure out what happens next. The sequel is just as loveable as the previous book, leaving me at the edge of my seat every time I open a new chapter. The current length is 9 chapters.

The Isles of Gracidea by Cora-chan

Outside of Pokéfic, I love reading books with daring sword fights and far-off lands, and this book does exactly that. The author has created a new world filled with pirates, magicians, thieves, and of course, Pokémon. What I love is that this new world doesn't have gym battles but follows a pirate on her thrilling adventure. I always get so happy when I see this book update. The current length is 17 chapters (this doesn't include the prologue, disclaimer, and glossary).

My Name is Loto by ImberLapis

From the author who brought you Heart of Steel comes another thrilling adventure inspired by Cora-chan's Isles of Gracidea. Filled with a new cast of characters and a different adventure, this book follows a magician who has lost his memory. Even with the limited chapters, the book is already off to an amazing start. The current length is 2 chapters (not including the prologue and disclaimer before it).

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